
René A. Wormser

Teoksen Foundations: Their Power and Influence tekijä

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Kanoninen nimi
Wormser, René A.
Virallinen nimi
Wormser, René Albert



This critical view of the Foundations and their influence is the product of Wormser’s time as the attorney of the Reece Committee, a congressional sub-committee that attempted an investigation of the subject in 1954. He published it in 1958, largely as a defense of the committee’s aborted study. The story he tells is a part of the widespread power and influence of these foundations, particularly in the ongoing war against capitalism, religiosity and what some view as fundamental American values.

His tale starts with the birth of foundations as a result of income and inheritance tax laws, and some earlier congressional investigations such as The Walsh Commission (1914-5) and the Cox Committee (1955). Then he approaches the two interesting and still current topics of the work: the impact of the foundations upon society and its religion, education, and fundamentals, and some detail of the inner workings of the U.S. Congress.

The interaction with education goes back to the beginning, through the Universities via such men as professors Beard and Hutchins, and into intellectual realms via adherents like Mortimer Adler and B. F. Skinner. Anyone who believes this is ancient history need only refer to the current (2009) status and furor over Bill Ayers, the University of Chicago, and the Woods Fund of Chicago.

The other very interesting tale he tells is that of confrontational politics and the ability of one or two congressmen, visible or not, can use hearings as platforms for misdirection along with behind the scenes maneuver to force an answer or kill a message.

This 400 pages gives a fairly clear picture that can otherwise be only inferred after reading thousands of pages of hearings and details. While most specific events are a half-century ‘obsolete’, the view Wormser gives is not.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
ServusLibri | Apr 10, 2009 |

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½ 4.3

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