
Andrew Wilmot

Teoksen Withered tekijä

4+ teosta 21 jäsentä 2 arvostelua

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Sisältää nimen: A.G.A. Wilmot

Tekijän teokset

Withered (2024) 10 kappaletta
The Death Scene Artist (2018) 8 kappaletta
Glass Houses 1 kappale

Associated Works

GlitterShip Year One (2017) — Avustaja — 10 kappaletta

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A heartfelt and surprising slice of Canadian horror that understands it's the characters that make a haunted house truly frightening. Gleefully twisting the oft-employed conceit inside-out, Wilmot's graceful tale is at once a dark ode to past literary haunted houses and an expert updating of their many tropes. Through vivid characters and unpredictable side-trips, Wilmot achieves a remarkably affecting and suitably scary coming-of-age story that itself twists the expected norms into wonderful new shapes.
An excellent novel, eminently suitable for both adult and YA audiences.
Thanks to 49th Shelf for providing me with an Advance Reader's Copy.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
ShelfMonkey | 1 muu arvostelu | Apr 24, 2024 |
As a reader who appreciates books that delve into tough issues like grief and queerness, "Withered" by A.G.A. Wilmot was a promising read from the start. The novel skillfully navigates the complexities of these themes within the framework of a haunted house story, adding an intriguing layer to the narrative.

The author, A.G.A. Wilmot, deserves praise for tackling subjects that are often overlooked in mainstream literature. The exploration of grief is poignant and resonant, capturing the raw emotions that accompany loss. The queerness woven into the storyline is handled with sensitivity, providing representation and visibility in a genre that may not always prioritize diverse perspectives.

The haunted house aspect of "Withered" follows a familiar trajectory, but Wilmot introduces interesting twists that kept me engaged. The atmosphere is appropriately eerie, and the tension builds effectively throughout the narrative. The author's prose is evocative, creating a vivid sense of place that adds to the overall immersive experience.

However, despite these positive aspects, I found myself struggling to fully connect with the characters and their choices. While the exploration of grief and queerness added depth to the story, some character decisions felt forced or inconsistent, making it challenging for me to fully invest in their journeys. The typical haunted house elements, though well-executed, didn't manage to set "Withered" apart from other stories in the genre.

In the realm of haunted house tales, "Withered" competently checks the necessary boxes, offering an engaging reading experience with a thoughtful exploration of challenging themes. Yet, it falls short of standing out in a crowded genre. Readers who appreciate nuanced examinations of grief and queerness may find moments of resonance, but those seeking a truly distinctive haunted house narrative may be left wanting more. Overall, "Withered" is a commendable effort that could have benefited from a more distinctive voice and character development.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
HauntedTaco13 | 1 muu arvostelu | Dec 29, 2023 |

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