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A True Story of Love, Science, and Cancer...tragic and hilarious with the perfect first line, "I Lived". This book does a good job of explaining the conflicting emotions that come with a life threatening illness. The author's dry humor is fantastic and I was laugh crying throughout the book. I took away several great quotes for life: "Why? Because. Why Me? Why Not You?", and "The gift of cancer is a terrible gift. The best you can do with it is try to make it count for something." Of the many cancer-related books I've read, this is the one I'll be recommending to those going through it and those who have loved ones experiencing it. "Life is Circular."… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
standhenry | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 9, 2016 |
Wonderfully gracious in sharing her life and hugely enjoyable despite the sorrow and death
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jconnell | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Aug 26, 2016 |
This is the story of mom and wife Mary Elizabeth Williams who was diagnosed with skin cancer, treated for it, but then suffered a reoccurrence where it metastasized to her lungs and on her back. She describes how the diagnosis and treatment affected all of those around her. She also discusses how such a progression usually proved to be fatal but she was lucky in that she lived in New York City at the time trials were just beginning for a new form of therapy – immunotherapy – where she received a combination of two types of drugs designed to help her immune system eliminate dangerous cancer cells wherever they might be in her body. The results of these drugs were amazing, and she immediately started showing their positive effects. She points out that it is not all cancers respond to such treatment yet, and heartbreakingly describes the outcome suffered by her father-in-law and best friend who suffered a great deal before their deaths from cancer. However, today Williams is still cancer-free and able to continue her life. Her book provides much hope and optimism for those who suffer from cancer. This is a wonderful story.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Susan.Macura | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Aug 5, 2016 |
This is the story of one person's experience with metastatic melanoma, but it is told with wit, humanity and fantastic writing. Mary Elizabeth starts her book with the spoiler "I survived." However, other cancer patients she introduces us to don't. I particularly appreciated that she explained so much about clinical trials, immunotherapy and other scientific topics in layman's terms. The subtitle says it all "A True Story of Love, Science, and Cancer."
Merkitty asiattomaksi
terran | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 24, 2016 |



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