
Chris Well

Teoksen Forgiving Solomon Long tekijä

9 teosta 135 jäsentä 7 arvostelua


Tekijän teokset

Forgiving Solomon Long (2005) 45 kappaletta
Deliver Us from Evelyn (2006) 26 kappaletta
Nursing a Grudge (2010) 23 kappaletta
Tribulation House (2007) 17 kappaletta
Burying the Hatchet (2011) 14 kappaletta
Too Good to be Truman (2012) 5 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla





Merkitty asiattomaksi
WBCLIB | 1 muu arvostelu | Feb 19, 2023 |
Too Good to be Truman - Chris Well

A Great Read
Harry Truman, an unemployed newspaper crime writer discovers a half million dollars was deposited into his checking account and then withdrawn and donated to a homeless mission shortly thereafter. Along with Harry, the IRS want to know where he got the brief boost in income and neglected to pay his income tax. Meanwhile, the FBI are investigating a kidnapping of an up and coming country music star and are also interested in how the missing ransom may have ended up in Truman’s account. The book is witty and clever and a highly entertaining read. You’ll laugh out loud at times at the antics of this crazy quilt of characters with Truman leading the pack. It’s such a fun read that you won’t want the story to end!

I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Myrt | Jan 19, 2014 |
Too Bad to be Truman - Chris Well

It may be bad for Truman but it is great for the reader.
‘The night was dark.’ is the first line of Harry Truman’s (don’t ask) epic novel. Unfortunately, after six months, fired crime columnist Truman has yet to write another word and it doesn’t look like he is going to be able to change that anytime soon. Not now that dying mob boss Eddie ‘Midas’ Schultz has decided Truman is the perfect choice to write his tell-all biography whether Truman agrees or not. Oh, and then there’s the man who hired Truman to kill his wife. Chris Well’s second Harry Truman novel is a delicious mix of humor, eccentric characters and a mystery that becomes more involving as you read each chapter. I smiled my way through this book as I followed the beleaguered Truman and his escapades. Chris Well’s writing had me caught up in not just solving the mystery but equally in the cleverly comic way the mystery was solved. I am excited to see there is a prior Truman book available and I’m looking forward to diving into it and the other novels Chris Well has already written. And, of course, I’ll be looking forward to the next installment of Truman’s adventures.

I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Myrt | Jan 19, 2014 |
Double Trouble = Double Fun with Harry Truman!
If you like Carl Hiassen you’ll love Chris Well’s Truman series. It’s his eccentric characters led by Harry Truman who will draw you into the books and keep you reading eager to see what goofiness the characters will get up to next. The books are a witty and clever read that will have you looking for more books by Chris Well. Plus the books are a great way to test your U.S. history knowledge by seeing how many former president’s names you recognize as Truman goes through a variety of alias’ in trying to extricate himself from his varied troubles.

Too Good to be Truman - Chris Well

A Great Read
Harry Truman, an unemployed newspaper crime writer discovers a half million dollars was deposited into his checking account and then withdrawn and donated to a homeless mission shortly thereafter. Along with Harry, the IRS want to know where he got the brief boost in income and neglected to pay his income tax. Meanwhile, the FBI are investigating a kidnapping of an up and coming country music star and are also interested in how the missing ransom may have ended up in Truman’s account. The book is witty and clever and a highly entertaining read. You’ll laugh out loud at times at the antics of this crazy quilt of characters with Truman leading the pack. It’s such a fun read that you won’t want the story to end!

Too Bad to be Truman - Chris Well

It may be bad for Truman but it is great for the reader.
‘The night was dark.’ is the first line of Harry Truman’s (don’t ask) epic novel. Unfortunately, after six months, fired crime columnist Truman has yet to write another word and it doesn’t look like he is going to be able to change that anytime soon. Not now that dying mob boss Eddie ‘Midas’ Schultz has decided Truman is the perfect choice to write his tell-all biography whether Truman agrees or not. Oh, and then there’s the man who hired Truman to kill his wife. Chris Well’s second Harry Truman novel is a delicious mix of humor, eccentric characters and a mystery that becomes more involving as you read each chapter. I smiled my way through this book as I followed the beleaguered Truman and his escapades. Chris Well’s writing had me caught up in not just solving the mystery but equally in the cleverly comic way the mystery was solved. I am excited to see there is a prior Truman book available and I’m looking forward to diving into it and the other novels Chris Well has already written. And, of course, I’ll be looking forward to the next installment of Truman’s adventures.

I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Myrt | Jan 19, 2014 |


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½ 3.7

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