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Jamie Wasserman

Teoksen Blood and Sunlight: A Maryland Vampire Story tekijä

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Sisältää nimen: Jamie Wasserman


Tekijän teokset

Angel Moon (2012) 11 kappaletta
Blood and Hairballs - Book 3 (2011) 9 kappaletta
Holding Back the Day (2011) 8 kappaletta
Night of the Guppy - Book 1 (2010) 7 kappaletta
Night of the Guppy - Book 2 (2011) 2 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla


Virallinen nimi
Wasserman, Jamie
Maryland, USA
University of Virginia (Mary Washington College)
Horror Writers Association
Palkinnot ja kunnianosoitukset
Pushcart Nomination, Rhysling Anthology selection (x2)
Lyhyt elämäkerta
Jamie Wasserman is a native of Ellicott City, Maryland. He has received numerous honorable-mentions from The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, and was nominated for a Pushcart by Lite: Baltimore's Literary Arts Newspaper. Blood and Sunlight is his first novel.



This review is for Bud the Crud and the -Werewolf Wars by Jamie Wasserman. I received this book for free from the author through LibraryThing's August 2013 Member Giveaway.

Honestly, I have to say that I hated this book. I struggled through it for a week and a half because it was too easy, wasn't interesting, and Buddy was really, really, really, really (I could go on) annoying. I did not want to write this review at all because I don't like writing bad reviews. I wouldn't want someone to read what I have written and be critical but as my fiancé and best friend said I just have to be honest because that's just the way it works. And I hate it. But Jamie Wasserman said in his email that even bad reviews are appreciated so here goes:

Buddy is awkward, short, and a geek. I thought I could relate to him but I couldn't at all. He cries a lot for no reason and rambles about stuff for most of the book.

This book was written at a teenage level for teenagers and young adults (assuming anyway), but it was written like a teenager. I guess that's okay but it just wasn't something I liked.

Buddy had a cat named Spooky. That's cool. So did my fiancé. I miss that cat. I can respect Buddy's love for animals but he talks about them wayyyyyyyyyy too much.

The part where he says "It's like having a mom inside you constantly there to protect you from the world.", yeah, that just came across as really gross. There is almost no way in the world that a 14 year old in America doesn't know a thing or two about sex. They teach sex ed in middle school now! He had to have known that wouldn't sound quite right.

Hans turning himself into a little ankle-biting dog instead of a werewolf was just hilarious. Classic.

And I liked that the ending was a nod to Stephen King's Pet Semetary. I love that movie. Please, Jamie (if you're reading this), write a sequel about that but please please please make sure he's not such a whiner that he can't tell his story. That was annoying. I'll consider reading your other books in the future but I was not satisfied by this.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
cuddlesandhoney | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Oct 7, 2013 |
I loved Bud the Crud and The Vampire-Werewolf Wars. I laughed so hard at the non-clichés. I could just imagine a younger brother thinking the same things Buddy did. He was so creative in his descriptions/storytelling. Nothing goes as planned for Buddy but he is the hero of the story. He makes a lot of friends and helps end a war. And all in a week! This is a keeper. It was so much fun.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Sheila1957 | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Sep 28, 2013 |
Merkitty asiattomaksi
theresab_339 | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Sep 3, 2013 |
A very enjoyable book with a lot of character development and interesting plot. Shows a human side to vampires and their ways. Also shows how completely degenerate some people can be. A good read which will keep your interest.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
roadway2000 | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Nov 27, 2012 |


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