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Merkitty avainsanalla




~ 4.5 Angel Stars ~

This is my first experience with Tricia Skinner and I loved it! I am going to be reading the prequel [b:Angel Bait|17245721|Angel Bait (Angel Assassins #0.5)|Tricia Skinner||23630887] and will be checking out the next book in the Angel Assassins series [b:Angel Lover|20764553|Angel Lover (Angel Assassins #2)|Tricia Skinner||40098251].

Angel Kin is a re-launch and a fabulous read! I enjoyed every minute, the characters are interesting and the world is remarkable. We get murder, action, suspense, sibling rivalry and romance to name a few things brought to us in this amazing first book.

I was blown away within the first chapter and sitting on the edge of my seat until the very end. The world is made up of all types of creatures and humans know about them. Angel Kin is about Cain, a Nephilim assassin (half angel/half human) and Katie, a not-so reformed thief. Cain is oh so scrumptious with his tortured past and bad boy attitude. Katie is an oddity. Not sure how I feel about her, but I did enjoy reading about her.

Katie witness a murder and is lead to The Bound Ones for protection, but she finds a man who looks just like the killer with them. (Can we say freak out!) Who is this mysterious look-a-like? The emotions between Cain and Katie where realistic from tenderness, trust, acceptance, intimacy, to love. It was nice to watch/read their relationship bloom.

The Bound Ones are an interesting bunch and I can't wait to learn about each brother. It would have been nice to see more of the brother's bond in this story. Each of The Bound Ones have a past that is not pleasant. We learn some interesting things about them, but it is not clear as to why. I'm hoping more is revealed in the rest of the books.

Angel Kin is a fantastic fun adventurous read! The story moved at a good pace there was plenty of action and some romance with at least one good steamy scene. I recommend reading this series if you enjoy Angels as well as any urban fantasy/paranormal romance fans. I look forward to continuing this series.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary ARC copy free of charge from the author with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own opinion.

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Merkitty asiattomaksi
angels_gp | 4 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Apr 26, 2018 |
I am thrilled to be included as a contributor in this diverse anthology which subverts expectations in the very best way. There is definitely something for everyone.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
MelissaLenhardt | 1 muu arvostelu | Mar 11, 2018 |
*Book source ~ A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

This Christmas anthology contains 13 stories. With the exception of one they are all contemporary. Some are hot, some are ok, two didn’t appeal to me and one is just awful. Maybe you’ll enjoy them more.

Miss B’s Christmas Mix by Mairi Kilaine ~ Jazz band and jazz choir directors make music. {3 bites}

Oh! What Fun It Is to Ride by Elizabeth Shandy ~ Naughty limo action. {4 bites}

A Christmas Mechanical by Philippa Ballantine ~ Some quite steamy Steampunk. Nom! {4.5 bites}

Old Fashioned with a Twist by Paul Goat Allen ~ Twist indeed. Nice! {4 bites}

Away in a Maison by Bethany Hyde ~ BDSM Christmas. {3 bites}

Fake It Till You Make It by Melissa Lenhardt ~ Picking up a stranger. Naughty nomminess. {4 bites}

Wet Christmas by Anh Leod ~ Aquaphile fun. NOM! {5 bites}

Holy Fuck by E.B. Ashcroft ~ M/m fun, that was only so-so. {3 bites}

Ghost of Christmas Past by Wendy Vogel ~ Old lovers reunited. {3.5 bites}

So You Believe in Santa? by Nicola Jane ~ Getting it on with Santa. {3 bites}

I’m Coming Home by Blake C. Aarens ~ Terrible writing style and if you’re going to write about Marines then you better know wtf you’re talking about. F!!! {0 bites}

From Keats, with Love by Maureen Lee ~ Bored now. {1 bite}

Stealing Christmas by Peggy Barnett ~ Ugh {1 bite}
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
AVoraciousReader | 1 muu arvostelu | Dec 11, 2015 |
I gave it 3.5 stars

ANGEL LOVER is the second book in the Angel Assassins series. It was a quick and easy read with a good amount of action and deception. The book focuses heavily on the budding relationship of Kas and Mariel. Kas is a bound Nephilim who is super loyal to his brother Nephilim and wishes he were free from the bonds holding him and his brothers back and Mariel is a broken angel working undercover with the Renegades to earn her wings back.

The relationship part of ANGEL LOVER was great. There was a ton of chemistry between Kas and Mariel and the sexy parts were hot and heavy. They come from different worlds, but fight to overcome the problems that are put in front of them.

I didn't feel like as much happened in ANGEL LOVER compared to ANGEL KIN. There was still a good amount of action, but I found the overall storyline to be less. I missed the other Nephilim in ANGEL LOVER. Most of the book takes place without them and I really wanted to get to know them more and see Katie and Cain together again and get a glimpse into their relationship now that their book is over.

There was a surprising amount of twists in ANGEL LOVER and the characters have a good amount of depth to them. Some things happen at the end of the book that make me think I know who the next half-angel featured will be. I am hopeful that the next book won't take too long to come out.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
STACYatUFI | Jun 25, 2015 |

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Melissa Lenhardt Contributor
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Paul Goat Allen Contributor
E.B. Ashcroft Contributor
Mairi Kilaine Contributor
Elizabeth Shandy Contributor


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