
Janet Sandison (1910–1976)

Teoksen My Friends the Miss Boyds tekijä

34+ teosta 981 jäsentä 17 arvostelua

Tietoja tekijästä

Sisältää myös: Jane Duncan (1)


Tekijän teokset

My Friends the Miss Boyds (1959) 106 kappaletta
Ystäväni Muriel (1959) 64 kappaletta
My Friend Monica (1960) 49 kappaletta
My Friend My Father (1966) 47 kappaletta
My Friends George and Tom (1976) 44 kappaletta
My Friend Annie (1961) 39 kappaletta
Brave Janet Reachfar (1975) 38 kappaletta
My Friend the Swallow (1970) 38 kappaletta
My Friend Cousin Emmie (1964) 36 kappaletta
My Friend Sandy (1961) 36 kappaletta
My Friends the Mrs. Millers (1964) 35 kappaletta
My Friend Flora (1962) 34 kappaletta
My Friends from Cairnton (1964) 33 kappaletta
My Friend Sashie (1972) 33 kappaletta
My Friend Rose (1964) 33 kappaletta
My Friends the Misses Kindness (1974) 32 kappaletta
My friends the hungry generation (1968) 31 kappaletta
My Friend Madame Zora (1963) 31 kappaletta
My Friend Martha's Aunt (1962) 30 kappaletta
My Friends the Macleans (1967) 29 kappaletta
Jean in the Morning (1969) 24 kappaletta
Letter from Reachfar (1855) 22 kappaletta
Janet Reachfar and Chickabird (1978) 18 kappaletta
Jean in the Twilight (1972) 15 kappaletta
Camerons on the Train (1963) 13 kappaletta
Janet Reachfar and the Kelpie (1976) 13 kappaletta
Jean Towards Another Day (1975) 13 kappaletta
Camerons on the Hills (1964) 11 kappaletta
Jean at Noon (1971) 11 kappaletta
Camerons at the Castle (1964) 8 kappaletta
Camerons Calling (1750) 7 kappaletta
Camerons Ahoy! (1968) 6 kappaletta

Associated Works

Cricket Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 8, April 1978 (1978) — Avustaja — 5 kappaletta
Cricket Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 8, April 1975 (1975) — Avustaja — 4 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla




Written in the first person by eight-year-old Janet Sandison (known also by the name of the croft, Reachfar) this story is set in Scotland in 1918 when her world is beginning to change. Also a social history of manners and local customs, it describes a charming childhood where Janet is expected to "Do As She Is Told" but with solicitude and sensitivity. Granny is boss, except when Grandfather chooses make a decision, reminding me of my own beloved grandparents. The Miss Boyds were six sisters who came to the village from the town and were protected by the Reachfars. Although there are dark sections, the story is for the most part sweet and will tug at the heartstrings.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
VivienneR | 7 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 5, 2022 |
Probably too old-fashioned for modern kids as the ghosts in the castle turn out to be the wind.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
ritaer | Jul 9, 2021 |
A pleasant tale of three brothers and their sister on holiday with their aunt. They meet a local shepherd and enjoy his tales of service in India and Egypt, then are part of the tragedy of an airplane crash on nearby mountain. Things end happily, but without unrealistic daring do on the part of the children. Written by Jane Duncan to amuse her niece and nephews.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
ritaer | Jun 27, 2021 |
mystery of hit and run driver and viking ship
Merkitty asiattomaksi
ritaer | Apr 18, 2020 |



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