
Sydney Salter

Teoksen My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters tekijä

3+ teosta 171 jäsentä 18 arvostelua 1 Favorited

Tekijän teokset

Swoon at Your Own Risk (2010) 57 kappaletta
Jungle Crossing (2009) 36 kappaletta

Associated Works

The First Time (2011) — Avustaja — 31 kappaletta

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Chapter 11. Read the book for that alone. It had me in tears I was laughing so hard.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
lilrongal | 9 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Nov 20, 2017 |
SWOON AT YOUR OWN RISK is a perfect warm weather read, filled with cute boys and a feisty heroine.

I wasn't sure if I would really connect with or like Polly, but I was a bit attached to her by the end of the novel. She was spunky, sarcastic, and witty! She begins the novel confused and prickly, but she really grows throughout the novel. She reminds me, in ways, of Veronica Mars: tough as nails, but really just a marshmallow on the inside.

I'm all for fluffy beach reads, so characterizing Swoon as such wouldn't really be insulting in my mind, but I must say that this novel is on a higher level than most beach reads. It has the cute boys and predictable love story, but Polly has more depth than many female leads in fluffy novels. The fact that Polly's main issue was the fear of being without at boyfriend and that she was constantly adopting the hobby of her current beau was extremely realistic - which made it even funnier and Polly all the more easy to relate to.

And oh my gosh: Xander. He was so unbelievably adorable. It was definitely obvious from the beginning of the novel that Xander is the perfect guy for Polly but in her confused and boy phobic state there would be a bit of a journey to her realization of this fact. I loved the tension and buildup to this point. Xander definitely joins the ranks of my favorite book boys! (Yay!)

I will definitely be reading MY BIG NOSE AND OTHER NATURAL DISASTERS, Salter's debut novel, sometime soon! I think I've found a new author to add to my favorites.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
thehidingspot | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 31, 2012 |
"tayo'y mga pinoy, tayo'y hindi kano.. wag kang mahihiya kung ang ilong mo ay pango!"

above are lyrics to a filipino folk song which basically says that filipinos shouldn't be ashamed of being snub-nosed. for a while back, i hated hearing this song because i felt it brought attention to my flat, pug nose in all it's glory. it's like when the heavens gave out nose cartilage, i was sleeping in. now the song just makes me smile. i've long grown to accept and love my nose just the way it is.

i saw this book at a bargain bookstore and i chuckled. i just had to read it. the story is about jory and what happens during the summer before her senior year. she's ok-looking except that her nose is too big that she calls it the super schnozz. to add insult to injury, her younger freshman brother is gorgeous, talented and is more popular in their school than she is. also, she feels that she doesn't meet her mother's standards - she's not pretty enough, she's not smart enough, too clumsy for sports.

i liked this book except for the fact that it's too boy-centric. jory has major self esteem issues and it seemed as if all she wanted to do was to snag a boy, any boy to feel good about herself. in the end she did learn to have confidence in herself. she realized that she can have a super schnozz and still be awesome just the way she is.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
jinkay | 9 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Nov 3, 2010 |
It’s the end of junior year, and summer is about to begin. The Summer of Passion, to be exact, when Jory Michaels plans to explore all the possibilities of the future--and, with any luck, score a boyfriend in the process. But Jory has a problem. A big problem. A curvy, honking, bumpy, problem in the form of her Super Schnozz, the one thing standing between Jory and happiness. And now, with the Summer of Passion stretched before her like an open road, she's determined for Super Schnozz to disappear. Jory takes a job delivering wedding cakes to save up for a nose job at the end of the summer; she even keeps a book filled with magazine cutouts of perfect noses to show the doctor. But nothing is ever easy for accident-prone Jory--and before she knows it, her Summer of Passion falls apart faster than the delivery van she crashes. In her hilarious and heartbreaking debut novel, Sydney Salter delivers a story about broadening your horizons, accepting yourself, and finding love right under your nose. From Amazon UK

This is such a brilliant book! I really loved it! Such a sweet novel! I really loved it!

Jory has two goals for the summer. Find her passion, and get a job so she can save her money for a nose job, so she can nab the gorgeous Tyler Briggs. Her passion goal is half-hearted, as that's what her friends are doing, but she is obsessed with the rest; nose jobs and Tyler - or any other cute guys who happen to be around at the time.

It's really quite sad how badly she thinks about her nose. She keeps a Nice Nose Notebook, where she keeps pictures of models with nice noses to show to the surgeon when she gets her nose job. Everything that goes wrong in her life, is down to her big nose. Her mother is constantly on a diet, and trying to get Jory to wear beauty enhancing make-up. It's just really sad.

But there is more to this book than just Jory's nose. There's friendship, family, and boy issues that go a lot deepers than a squabble and an unrequited crush. But they're all dealt with in such a brilliant way.

I don't know what else I can say about this book. So much goes on in it, and I don't want to spoil it. It really is a brilliant book, one that is right up there with my favourites! I absolutely loved it, and can't recommend it enough! I will definitely be checking out more of Sydney Salter's novels.

From Once Upon A Bookcase - YA book blog.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
Stapps | 9 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jul 28, 2010 |


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