
Kevin Ryan (1) (1957–)

Teoksen Requiem tekijä

Katso täsmennyssivulta muut tekijät, joiden nimi on Kevin Ryan.

20 teosta 1,563 jäsentä 11 arvostelua


Tekijän teokset

Requiem (1994) — Tekijä — 480 kappaletta
Van Helsing (2004) 210 kappaletta
Errand of Vengeance: Killing Blow (2002) 142 kappaletta
Errand of Fury: Seeds of Rage (2005) 130 kappaletta
Errand of Fury: Demands of Honor (2007) 98 kappaletta
Errand of Fury: Sacrifices of War (2008) 86 kappaletta
A New Beginning (1983) 60 kappaletta
Nightscape (2003) 43 kappaletta
The Betrayal (47 R.O.N.I.N.) (2008) 4 kappaletta
The Comeback (47 R.O.N.I.N.) (2008) 2 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla





I found this book intensely unsatisfying because Picard really didn't go through any kind of character arc—nor did anyone but Lieutenant Barclay, and Barclay's character arc was the SAME arc as it always has to be with him, where he's a scaredy cat who proves himself. Picard is about to negotiate peace with the Gorn, but is thrown back in time to the first encounter with them, where they razed a colony and Kirk fought one of them hand to hand; he watches the colony die, but learns nothing and doesn't change his opinions at all. The writing's fine, but I couldn't get over that static feeling.… (lisätietoja)
1 ääni
Merkitty asiattomaksi
everystartrek | Jan 7, 2023 |
I was going to give a positive if hardly glowing review for this Star Trek novel but I lost the will to live somewhere around the halfway point. There are just too many character perspectives and I wasn't interested in half of them. Basically, I read these stories, which are my weakness, for the original characters, not the author's creations. Kevin Ryan offers up a fair but fawning depiction of Captain Kirk, makes the redshirts look brave and loyal and has even created an interesting Klingon character, but he stretches a minimal plot - granted, the start of a trilogy - too far. Fight scenes run for pages and descriptions get repetitive (Kirk and his hunches). Also, the formatting in my Kindle edition was atrocious, with completely different scenes running seamlessly into each other. So thanks, but I'll pass on part two, even for 99p.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
AdonisGuilfoyle | 1 muu arvostelu | Oct 12, 2020 |
Pfft. Kevin Ryan's ho-hum translation of the season one episode 'Errand of Mercy' has almost finished off my current craze for reading Star Trek novelisations - almost (must give William Shatner's novel a go first). The Klingons are the silliest of the ST alien races, from the name down to the throaty language, and I have absolutely no interest in the intergalactic version of a Patrick O'Brian novel. There are one or two nice moments between Kirk, Spock and Bones, but otherwise this is a deadly dull story with no imagination. Perhaps the episode is more entertaining!… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
AdonisGuilfoyle | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Feb 15, 2013 |
van helsing is a really good movie and i was told the book was even better. so if you like vampiers,wear wolfs, frankinstine and more you should do what im going to do and check out this book!
Merkitty asiattomaksi
MrFClass | Nov 13, 2009 |


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½ 3.5

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