
E M Prazeman

Teoksen Masks tekijä

5 teosta 16 jäsentä 2 arvostelua


Tekijän teokset

Masks (2012) 10 kappaletta
Confidante (2012) 2 kappaletta
Innocence & Silence (2014) 2 kappaletta
Oubliette (2015) 1 kappale

Merkitty avainsanalla


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The author lost me in the middle of the book to some weird religion-induced trance. I wish she spent that time and effort on world building.

Finished the book and I still have no clue what the masks really are.

No idea what's with the voices in Mark's head, it came as a total surprise when first mentioned and sent me looking for missing pages.

Not the faintest why Mark's patron and his jester are referred to as the absolute villains in the beginning. Show me an example of that horrible life Mark was living. Show. it. to me. But there is nothing, except for a creepy butler's occasional beatings off page, yet butler was not the reason why Mark bolted in the middle of the winter. To the contrary, it's mentioned several times in the book, how kind and caring Mark's patron and Jester were. @.@

There is a lot of strolling around, having talks and pleasantries (or nastieses, whatever), many of which don't even contribute to the story line. Like what a marvelous horse Mark had. It even tried to sniff a snake. WTH?

Sorry for this weird review. My brain is seriously messed up after finishing this book. I think I need a drink. (⊙_◎)

1.5 stars on Booklikes, but GR is not so generous, so 1 star it is.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Mrella | 1 muu arvostelu | Mar 8, 2021 |
An interesting world with intriguing ethics. The Jesters are a curious and fascinating lot. Educated, poised, and eventually bonded to a lord to do the things that the lord can't do themselves. Sort of like a secret (or not so secret) society of super skilled and intelligent personal assistants only about ten times better. And posher. Very unique and an enjoyable and entertaining read
1 ääni
Merkitty asiattomaksi
waclements7 | 1 muu arvostelu | Oct 14, 2016 |


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