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Tietoja tekijästä

Leon Poliakov (1910-97) wrote extensively on the Holocaust and anti-Semitism. He helped establish the Centre de Documentation Juive in 1943


Tekijän teokset

Auschwitz (1964) — Tekijä — 28 kappaletta
The history of anti-Semitism (1964) 16 kappaletta
Das dritte reich und seine denker (1989) 13 kappaletta
Rasisme (1978) 4 kappaletta
Causalidade Diabólica - 1, A (1980) 3 kappaletta
Le Procès de Jérusalem (1999) 3 kappaletta
1989 1 kappale
L'Etoile Jaune 1 kappale
Dossier Eichmann 1 kappale
Über den Rassismus. (1979) 1 kappale
Le proces de nuremberg (1973) 1 kappale
MITI ARIAN 1 kappale
Sur les traces du crime (2003) 1 kappale
Mémoires (1999) 1 kappale

Associated Works

Jew Süss (1925) — Esipuhe, eräät painokset361 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla


Kanoninen nimi
Poliakov, Léon
Virallinen nimi
Poliakov, Léon
St. Petersburg, Russia
Paris, France
Paris, France
Faculte de Droit
resistance fighter
research historian
Wulf, Joseph (co-author)
Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
Lyhyt elämäkerta
Léon Poliakov was born to a Jewish family in Saint Petersburg, Russia. His father Wladimir Poliakov owned a publishing house and named his son in homage to Leo Tolstoy. Following the Bolshevik Revolution, the family fled to France, settling in Paris.
There his father founded a new publishing house and in 1933 created the daily newspaper Pariser Tageblatt, targeted to exiled German readers. As a teenager, Léon lived for a few years in Italy and Germany, where he witnessed the rise of Nazism. He then returned to Paris, studied law and literature at university, and wrote for the paper until 1939. At the start of World War II, he enlisted with the French army. Taken prisoner with his battalion by the Germans, he escaped and joined the resistance. In 1943, he helped establish the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine or CDJC (Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation), dedicated to collecting documentary evidence of the Holocaust. He assisted Edgar Faure at the Nuremberg Trial and brought back from Nuremberg, with his colleague Joseph Billig, numerous documents that became part of the CDJC collection. Under the aegis of the CDJC, Poliakov published his first books, La Condition des Juifs sous l'occupation italienne (The Condition of the Jews under the Italian Occupation, 1946) and L’Étoile jaune (The Yellow Star, 1949). In 1947, he married his wife, Germaine, with whom he had a son. Poliakov served as director of research at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique or CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) from 1954 to 1971 and was on the faculty of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. He was the first scholar to question the attitude of Pope Pius XII and the Vatican on the Holocaust; in 1950, he published "The Vatican and the 'Jewish Question' -- The Record of the Hitler Period -- and After" in the Commentary. Poliakov's groundbreaking 1951 book Breviaire de la haine (Harvest of Hate) was the first major work on the Nazi genocide. He co-authored a trilogy of major books with German-born historian Joseph Wulf: Das Dritte Reich und die Juden (The Third Reich and the Jews, 1955),
Das Dritte Reich und seine Diener (The Third Reich and its Servants, 1956), and Das Dritte Reich und seine Denker (The Third Reich and its Thinkers, 1959). In 1971, he published Le Mythe aryen (The Aryan Myth: A History of Racist and Nationalist Ideas in Europe). Poliakov was also a pioneer in the fight against revisionists and Holocaust deniers. He published his memoirs L'auberge des musiciens in 1981.



Auschwitz no es un sueño. Apenas hace una generación funcionaba, en el corazón de Europa, una industria destinada a suprimir pueblos enteros. Los planes nazis preveían la exterminación, por lo menos, de unos treinta millones de seres humanos. En primer lugar, once millones de judíos en la fase inicial de este programa. Auschwitz pasó a ser el núcleo principal de esta exterminación, que los nazis preferían designar, incluso entre ellos, con la expresión «solución final».
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Natt90 | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Oct 23, 2022 |
Merkitty asiattomaksi
javarbon | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Aug 13, 2021 |
> Bauberot Jean. Poliakov (Léon) éd Le Couple interdit, entretien sur le racisme. La dialectique de l'altérité socio-culturelle et la sexualité.
In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°59/2, 1985. p. 292. … ; (en ligne),
URL : https://www.persee.fr/doc/assr_0335-5985_1985_num_59_2_2358_t1_0292_0000_3… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Joop-le-philosophe | Jan 18, 2021 |
Quest’opera, divenuta ormai un classico, affronta le pagine più buie della storia recente: sulla base di una vastissima documentazione Léon Poliakov ha ricostruito le fasi della persecuzione antisemita, dall’avvento al potere del nazismo alla fine del 1945, mettendo in risalto come lo sterminio degli Ebrei rientrasse nel più vasto piano d’eliminazione di altri popoli e illustrando, oltre agli episodi della resistenza ebraica, le reazioni popolari nei vari paesi europei, l’atteggiamento degli uomini di governo e delle chiese cristiane. Poliakov esamina i fini perseguiti dai capi nazisti attraverso la loro mostruosa «operazione», i modi con cui scientificamente organizzarono la «soluzione finale» della questione ebraica, l’apparato burocratico di cui si servirono per raccogliere e far scomparire milioni di vittime.
Tale esame dimostra come la responsabilità di questi crimini ricada non solo sugli esecutori specializzati, le SS, ma anche, sia pure indirettamente, sull’esercito tedesco, sulle classi dirigenti, su gran parte della popolazione. E tuttavia lo spirito serenamente equo dell’autore, la sua sobrietà d’intonazione, il suo costante impegno critico consentono al lettore di approfondire un argomento che non cessa di inquietare le coscienze dei contemporanei. (fonte: Einaudi)
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
MemorialeSardoShoah | 1 muu arvostelu | May 17, 2020 |


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