
Alice Pernick

Teoksen The Night Sky (Beginning Literacy, Stage C) tekijä

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Merkitty asiattomaksi
PBEBOOKS | Feb 14, 2023 |
Merkitty asiattomaksi
lcslibrarian | 1 muu arvostelu | Aug 13, 2020 |
The Night Sky written by Alice Perncik and illustrated by Lisa Desimini explores the night sky. The authors along with publisher Scholastic Inc. printed this children’s book in 1994. The Night Sky is an excellent young children’s book that explores the many wonders of the night sky. The book begins by showing the reader through the sun setting with an amazing sunset on the first page of the book. Then the narrator talks you through the sun setting at night and the many stars and colors. Following sunset the readers explores the sun and the various shapes of the moon. Stars are the next item explored in this children’s book discussing colors and brightness, and even two constellations the stars make, Little Dipper and Big Dipper. It goes on to discuss the planet Venus and how it can be seen right before sunrise in the east and shines constant rather than twinkles like a star. Comets come next in the story telling the reader the blaze across the night’s sky and how rare it is to see them. The book concludes with a fun activity the reader can do simply talking through laying down relaxing and looking at the night’s sky.
This book is an excellent resource for any person teaching or raising young children. It is an easy read and the pictures are fascinating and engaging. It can be used in reference to a discussion on the change from day to night and all the wonders of the night’s sky. It can also be used to gain the attention of young children before starting a lesson on the phases of the moon and the many shapes the moon goes through in a full cycle. Constellations are also a fascinating wonder in the science world and this book would be a good reference before beginning a lesson on the stars. I would recommend this book to anyone teaching young children to enhance their understanding of the wondrous night’s sky. The science materials discussed in this book are accurate and a good source for a science lesson.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
campsm01 | 1 muu arvostelu | Nov 9, 2009 |

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Associated Authors

Lisa Desimini Illustrator
Chris L. Demarest Illustrator
Diane Blasius Illustrator
Chris Peterson Illustrator


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