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Helen Oyeyemi

Teoksen Boy, Snow, Bird tekijä

12+ teosta 7,673 jäsentä 312 arvostelua 9 Favorited

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Helen Oyeyemi was born on December 10, 1984 in Nigeria. She attended Corpus Christie College and later graduated form Cambridge University in 2006. She has authored seven books including: Boy, Snow, Bird, What is Not Yours in Not Yours, Mr. Fox and The Icarus Girl. She won the PEN/Open Book Award näytä lisää in 2017 for "What is Not Yours is Not Yours". (Bowker Author Biography) näytä vähemmän

Tekijän teokset

Boy, Snow, Bird (2014) 1,808 kappaletta
White Is for Witching (2009) 1,207 kappaletta
What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours (2016) 1,176 kappaletta
Mr. Fox (2011) 1,035 kappaletta
The Icarus Girl (2005) 947 kappaletta
Gingerbread (2019) 837 kappaletta
Peaces (2021) 334 kappaletta
The Opposite House (2007) 254 kappaletta
Parasol Against the Axe: A Novel (2024) 61 kappaletta
Juniper's Whitening and Victimese (2005) 11 kappaletta

Associated Works

Thus were their faces (2015) — Johdanto, eräät painokset350 kappaletta
Anonymous Sex (2022) — Avustaja — 67 kappaletta
Furies: Stories of the wicked, wild and untamed (2023) — Avustaja — 62 kappaletta
Granta 129: Fate (2014) — Avustaja — 58 kappaletta
When Rain Clouds Gather AND Maru (1968) — Johdanto, eräät painokset40 kappaletta
African Love Stories: An Anthology (2006) — Avustaja — 39 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla




British Author Challenge August 2021: Helen Oyeyemi & Bernard Cornwell, 75 Books Challenge for 2021 (marraskuu 2021)


My library suggested this, and it was delightful! Thanks, Henry County Library!
Merkitty asiattomaksi
ledonnelly | 31 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 11, 2024 |
I got a little over 20 pages in and I just can't go any further with this. Definitely a Not Me book.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
wyvernfriend | 50 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Feb 13, 2024 |
Personally, that was a baffling waste of time with a few nicely written lines. This one star is more "I didn't like it" than "it was bad." Definitely people who will enjoy this, just... Not me.

See the full review & more here!

Recommended: Not really, but some people would def like it
Stay away if: you like to understand what the characters are (human? fairy? are they even ALIVE?), or what they are doing, or what they are talking about, or what is happening at any point in the story

Go for it if you know you like magical realism that is very ambiguous and leaves almost everything up to interpretation. This might also be good for book groups or buddy reads, so long as you have people who are willing to talk about every chapter as you go to try to figure out wtf you're reading about

My face 100% of the time in this book:

I don't have a lot of thoughts that are coherent, because so much of this story was a muddled "what is happening" for me. I can't even identify who was technically the narrator of most of the story, because it clearly WASN'T Harriet, despite it being shaded that way. Anyway... this was a struggle for me. I kept going, because by the time I realized it wasn't going to get any clearer, I was like 75% done and figured I'd just wrap it up.

Simple things are questions, that I feel like should not be questions:
- What are the dolls?? They're like, alive plant-doll hybrids?
- What's the deal with the gingerbread? Is it poisoned, or.. imbued with magical forces??
- At one point they said something like, when they arrived out of Druhástrana, they thought their bones were melted and they were poured out of a container like a vat of custard. I can't even begin to understand what's happening there.

So... maybe if I had been reading this with people I could discuss it with, it would have gone better. As it is, I feel like I would need to analyze theme and symbolism and read some analytical essays to even understand the basic plot of what happened. Frankly, I'm not willing to do that with this. I just don't do well with magical realism sometimes....
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Jenniferforjoy | 31 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 29, 2024 |
3.5 rounded up. The writing is beautiful and the stories were all enjoyable. Oyeyemi is fantastic at creating a scene and setting a mood but in some cases I wanted more substance. Will definitely read more by her.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
mmcrawford | 33 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 5, 2023 |


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