Paul O'Neill (täsmennys)

"Paul O'Neill" koostuu ainakin 5 eri tekijästä. Heidät on jaoteltu teosten perusteella.

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Sisältää nimen: Paul O'Neill

Author Division


#1 O'Neill, Paul, 1928-2013, author of The oldest city (LC 50002993)
#2 O'Neill, Paul, 1970- author of The culture of curating and the curating of culture(s) (LC 2011085668)
#3 O'Neill, Paul, 1963- New York Yankee's right fielder (LC 2002109395)
#4 O'Neill, Paul, 1957- composer, musician, Tran-Siberian Orchestra (LC 87884886)
#5 O'Neill, Paul, contributor to Historical linguistics.