
Lane McFarland

Teoksen Cameron tekijä

4+ teosta 10 jäsentä 1 Review


Tekijän teokset

Associated Works

Feisty Heroines: Romance Collection of Shorts (2020) — Avustaja — 5 kappaletta

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Kanoninen nimi
McFarland, Lane



Cameron was a bit of a wild thing. She found her strength in nature and vowed to learn all she could about the art of healing. If she had known enough earlier, she may have prevented her mother’s death. She failed her mum, but she wouldn’t fail her clan nor her sisters and in this story her talents extend to Laird Graham and his clan.

Cameron’s mother taught all her daughters to pursue what they each enjoyed. All three sisters were very different in temperament; they were well bonded with their father and each other so it was a disaster to all when Cameron is missing.

Laird Graham simply kidnapped Cameron while she was out looking for healing herbs. Did the MacDougalls play Graham for a fool? He was provoked into this action when Laird Graham’s brother, Androu, and elder servant, Duncan, are attacked and seriously injured, apparently attacked by the clan MacDougall he struck back with the same medicine; he would have the old laird pay. It is so easy to assume the worst when dealing with an old enemy.

The writer takes us into the turmoil of Cameron’s mind and heart as she struggles with her capture. She needs to get word back to her family she is well, possibly escape if she can, yet feeling the need of the Graham clan for her skill in healing. Her healing arts and her kind demeanor did more to ease the tension between clans than any truce could.

Laird Graham also struggles with his attraction to the woman he captured and his enemy. He finds she is no different from him and full of goodness.

Cameron found her calling, her worth, and her love while working her magic with her healing herbs, saving lives and making friends. Love conquers all in this heart-warming romantic read from Lane Mcfarland. Her story showcases the difficulty of warring clans during that period of history, how they needed to forget their differences to protect each other against the bigger enemy, England.

This first book sets the reader to anticipate the remainder of the series. I'm a little late in starting the series, just finding this author. I'll enjoy seeing what happens to Cameron's three siblings in books 2, 3 and 4. Fun reading!

Lane McFarland
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Eileen.Dandashi | Oct 15, 2015 |

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