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John Lennard is Professor of British and American Literature at UWI-Mona, Jamaica

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Reginald Hill On Beulah height (2007) 3 kappaletta

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This book contains notes on the setting/characters of Tortall, annotations for the Protector of the Small series, an essay on how Protector of the Small builds on Pierce's previous work, and--bizarrely, though not unappreciatedly--a number of fanfiction recs. Kind of a weird nostalgic read, it reminded me just how Protector of the Small is and gave me a few new facts about it--for instance, that the aftermath of the destruction of Haven was written in the aftermath of 9/11, and, horrifyingly, that the villain Blayce is based on real historical figure Gilles de Rais. The one major point I disagree with is the idea that Kel is really uncertain about her sexuality and potentially sexually repressed because she ends the series single and a virgin, I guess, since I think Kel getting a satisfying ending without her one true love is pretty cool and unique among YA series protagonists.… (lisätietoja)
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Sammelsurium | Mar 25, 2023 |
This book is fanfiction. I love the Protector of the Small series, but this book does not do it justice. First, it feels inappropriate for an adult male fan to write a sexual scene about a teenage girl. Furthermore, this is not the kind of scene that happens in Tamora Pierce's books. That was the other major problem with this book - Kel doesn't behave like herself. I feel that this fan doesn't really understand her.
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AliciaBooks | Apr 3, 2022 |

I know most people who see this book will assume, like I did, that it is another pointless, throwaway book looking to piggyback sales on the popularity of Fifty Shades of Grey. They would be wrong. What we have here is a well written, thoroughly researched and no holds bared exploration of the Fifty Shades of Grey.

“A fannish obsession with Twilight may – not does, but certainly may – indicate a taste for unchallenging fare, cliched characters with teen emotions that are much stronger than they are interesting.”

Talking Sense examines Fifty Shades of Grey’s roots in the Twilight fandom. Giving insight into the success of the story as both a fan fiction and a book. While also shedding light on the true history of the fan fiction version of Fifty Shades, Master of the Universe. As well as a not so flattering, but none the less accurate, look at author E.L. James

"Ethically, at a general level, one could say that without Twilight itself, however flawed it may be, and without the Twilight fandom, there would have been no Master of the Universe [.] seeing James flourish through media articles commonly disparaging fanfic, and repeatedly failing in interview to acknowledge any of her debts, is depressing and unpleasant."

It also addresses the matters of the impact the book's success has had on the perception of BDSM in the mainstream and the criticism it has received from feminist. Both of these issues are given comprehensive explanations of their history and relevance to the book. Showing the inescapable truth that Fifty Shades fails on both counts.

"Most importantly, by making her heroine, Ana Steele, a virgin who does not have BDSM fantasies of her own, but merely conforms to a man’s in the name of love – just as Bella internalises and rationalises Edward’s abusiveness in Twilight – James removes a primary claim on feminist
interest and sympathy."

As the above quotes demonstrate, the author doesn’t beat around the bush. Each of the deeply problematic aspects of Fifty Shades of Grey are clearly defined, backed up with comprehensive research and explained. Lennard does an amazing job of distilling the robust topics into easy to read “bite-size” sections, while still showing the overarching affect of the book. Making it very clear how damaging its success has been on the communities it exploited.

Out of all the non-fiction books and articles written about Fifty Shades of Grey, this one is the most comprehensive and honest that I have read.

This is a must read for anyone who wishes to discuss Fifty Shades of Grey with knowledge and authority.
… (lisätietoja)
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EinfachMich | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Sep 21, 2013 |
This was a book I had to read twice. The first time I wasn't sure it wasn't just going to be another shirt-tail-riding-50-shades-book, but it was not. It actually stands on its own two legs and screams out a lot of my personal frustration. It takes my objections about this Shady Business seriously.

This passage sums it up for me:

"Ethically, at a general level, one could say that without Twilight itself, however flawed it may be, and without the Twilight fandom, there would have been no Master of the Universe [.] seeing James flourish through media articles commonly disparaging fanfic, and repeatedly failing in interview to acknowledge any of her debts, is depressing and unpleasant."

If you wonder where 50 came from, or why a lot (A LOT) of us are bitching about pull2publish, read this book. It is deeply intelligent, with well researched data, put together in a not-too-long exposé. Finally someone who sees the damage it has done to the fandom and community.

It goes from Fifty, through feminism and (real) bdsm, all the way around to coming back to Fifty, tearing it apart.

'Nuff said. Just read it.

I was NOT asked to read this book by anyone, I paid for it with my own money, as I do for all the books I read, all the music I listen to and the movies I watch.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
AnnaLund2011 | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Sep 20, 2013 |

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