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Lucy KeatingKirja-arvosteluja

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What a sweet YA romance. A love letter to architecture, hometowns and New England. Being a New Yorker, the author got the geography right! It’s a story about discovering that home is right in front of you, that even if you want to run from it, it will always be there for you. First love isn’t too bad either. Read this in one sitting. Nice romcom escape for the summer!
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Z_Brarian | Dec 12, 2022 |
Sono sempre stata un' appassionata di sogni, l'idea di quello che può accadere durante la notte mentre dormiamo, come si generano e cosa rappresentino realmente mi ha sempre incuriosito, fu proprio il tema dei sogni ad attirarmi di Dreamology, durante una delle mie esplorazioni su Goodreads ricordo che mi trovai di fronte, tra i libri consigliati, la scheda di questo romanzo, rimasi molto colpita, la copertina era bellissima, semplice e minimale rispetto ad altre ma di grande effetto, così come la trama accattivante e insolita rispetto agli altri Young Adult fu così che, non essendo ancora uscito, decisi di segnarmi il titolo ripromettendomi di recuperarlo presto, purtroppo vista la mia memoria e la mole di uscite intriganti quel volume che tanto mi aveva colpito finì nel dimenticatoio, penso sia inutile sottolineare la sorpresa e la gioia che ho provato quando mi sono ritrovata tra le mani questo volume, gentilmente inviatomi dalla Newton Compton (che ringrazio di cuore), avere tra le mani un libro intrigante è sicuramente una bella emozione ma ritrovare un vecchio libro dimenticato da tempo, è un emozione ancora più grande. E' così che complice una fresca giornata autunnale, mi sono buttata a capofitto nella lettura.

La protagonista del romanzo è Alice, una dolce e buffa sedicenne. La ragazza ha sempre avuto, fin da bambina, un forte legame con il mondo dei sogni e soprattutto con Max, un coetaneo dolcissimo e gentile a cui la giovane nel tempo ha aperto il suo cuore. Alice e Max vivono in sogno molte avventure, viaggiano in paesi stranieri e passano dolci e teneri momenti insieme. Questi sogni hanno sempre influito su Alice spingendola a cercare il suo "Max" nel mondo reale, a desiderare ardentemente di poter condividere la sua vita con quella che ha sempre visto come la sua anima gemella. Proprio quando la vita della ragazza sembra destinata a complicarsi, con un trasloco improvviso nella vecchia casa appartenuta alla nonna, la distanza da Sophie la sua migliore amica e l'inserimento in una nuova scuola in cui dover integrarsi, il destino decide di metterci lo zampino sconvolgendo la vita della protagonista. La ragazza infatti il primo giorno di scuola si ritroverà davanti niente di meno che Max e non in uno dei suoi sogni bensì nella vita reale, un Max in carne e ossa, vivo e purtroppo... fidanzato. Alice ancora sconvolta dovrà cercare di capire cosa sta succedendo, chi è davvero Max e cosa ci sia di strano e reale nei suoi sogni.

Ho letteralmente adorato questo romanzo, tutto mi ha entusiasmato a partire dalla copertina, la Newton ha deciso di adottare uno stile molto diverso rispetto all'originale, la copertina straniera infatti era disegnata, molto più minimale ma a forte impatto e perfetta per il romanzo e in qualche modo legata al mondo dei sogni, nonostante non sia entusiasta del cambiamento (essendo una paladina delle copertine originali!) sono comunque compiaciuta dal risultato, il viso così dolce e rilassato della ragazza, la neve che cade e lo sfondo rendono l'atmosfera perfetta, sognante, romantica e onirica, una scelta azzeccata e in tema con il contenuto del romanzo.
La trama è molto interessante e come detto precedentemente è una delle cose che più mi aveva colpito, l'idea di una storia legata al mondo dei sogni, di come questi possono fondersi con la vita reale fino ad arrivare a non distinguere le due cose, legate alla storia d'amore è affascinante e originale, davvero insolita.
L'atmosfera è fantastica, questo romanzo riesce a mischiare abilmente molti elementi diversi senza perdere la sua essenza. Il libro è romantico, è impossibile non trovare dolce e deliziosa la storia di Alice, una ragazza della porta accanto, sognatrice, buffa e che ama e desidera essere amata, ricambiata, è divertente, la protagonista è simpaticissima, ci regala battute spassose che unite a quelle dei suoi pazzi amici rende perfetta la lettura, è misterioso, attira il lettore e lo spinge a continuare la lettura per scoprire non solo come finirà tra i protagonisti (anche se è fin da subito chiara l'idea di un happy ending) ma anche cosa lega il Max reale da quello del sogno, cos'è il misterioso CSS e che legame ha con i due ragazzi che in passato furono suoi pazienti, questi elementi uniti a un pizzico di fantasy rendono il libro intrigante e interessante al punto giusto. Il romanzo inoltre ha una struttura molto originale che permette di riuscire a entrare nella storia ancora di più, Lucy Keating ha infatti deciso di non limitarsi a raccontare la storia d'amore tra il Max del sogno e Alice, riducendo magari il tutto a qualche frasetta detta qua e la o a un capitoletto striminzito di "riassunto" bensì decide di farci vivere la storia fino in fondo regalandoci capitoli completamente dedicati ai due ragazzi nel mondo dei sogni, alternati ai capitoli della storia principale e che ci accompagnano per tutta la durata del romanzo, possiamo così assistere ai momenti intimi, dolci e spassosi tra i due giovani, possiamo arrivare a capire cosa possa aver spinto Alice a innamorarsi di Max, cosa abbia trovato in lui e a nostra volta possiamo innamorarci, è impossibile non rimanere colpiti da Max, dalla sua gentilezza e dolcezza, dal suo desiderio di proteggere e assistere Alice, più leggiamo il romanzo e più Max diventa anche il nostro principe azzurro, da ritrovare nella realtà, continuiamo la lettura per ritrovarlo nel Max reale e nel frattempo impariamo ad amare anche l'altra parte di Max, quella meno romantica, più strafottente, sarcastica e dura, il Max che non è perfetto, non è un principe e non è sicuro di se, è un ragazzo che ha sofferto, come Alice ha dovuto sopportare il peso di perdere una persona cara e questo lo ha reso insicuro e a momenti molto fragile, ci ritroviamo grazie alla magistrale scrittura di Lucy Keating non solo a leggere passivamente la storia ma a viverla, ci sentiamo e siamo Alice e gioiamo, ridiamo e piangiamo con lei dall'inizio alla fine. Questo libro mi ha conquistato, è raro trovare romanzi così belli, delicati, originali e che non cadono nel volgare o nei soliti cliché, Dreamology riesce partendo da un'idea base, caratteristica di molti Young Adult, la classica love story di due ragazzi, a trasformarla e raccontare una storia speciale e quasi magica.
Questo libro vi farà innamorare dei protagonisti, dei personaggi secondari che riescono a essere a loro volta dei protagonisti, chi non vorrebbe nella vita avere amici pazzi e folli come Sophie e Oliver, amici leali, pronti ad aiutarci e offrici un aiuto in caso di bisogno o chi non vorrebbe un rapporto dolce e tenero come quello di Alice e suo padre, due persone che hanno sofferto nella vita per la mancanza di una figura importante, una moglie e madre, ma che insieme non hanno mollato, continuando a lottare e sono riusciti a creare un rapporto speciale, fatto di parole e silenzi, di gesti semplici ma di grande importanza, impossibile non trovare simpatia e tenerezza per quel padre un po' pasticcione (come la figlia) che non sempre la capisce, spesso mette di mezzo qualche argomento di psicologia e cerca di supportare e aiutare come può la sua piccola, anche se il rapporto padre- figlia non è l'elemento principale del racconto in un mondo in cui gli Young Adult sono popolati da adolescenti orfani o con genitori che li abbandonano o se ne fregano di loro tanto da permettergli di mettere in pericolo la loro stessa vita, ho apprezzato che la Keating si sia ricordata che nel mondo reale esistono anche i genitori che nel bene o nel male condizionano la vita dei loro figli, ho quindi adorato il fatto che il padre di Alice sia presente nella vita della figlia anche se in piccole "comparse", non nascondo che avrei desiderato leggere qualche paginetta in più sul rapporto tra i due
Dreamology è una lettura dolce, tenera, divertente e romantica, non contiene parti troppo spinte o volgari anzi, è piuttosto casto per essere un romanzo dedicato a un pubblico adolescente e questo lo rende perfetto anche per i più giovani, sicuramente è un libro che se fossi genitore non avrei paura di far leggere ai miei figli senza paura che diventino dei possibili piromani serial killer, è una lettura perfetta per riscaldare queste fresche giornate autunnali, accompagnata con una buona cioccolata calda (light ovviamente!) oppure da conservare e leggere in estate, tra una nuotata e una tintarella.
Un libro incantevole che vi terrà incollati alle sue pagine.
Ringrazio ancora la Newton Compton per questo graditissimo pensiero e per avermi dato l'opportunità di entrare nel magico mondo di Alice e Max e a tutti voi che state leggendo consiglio di non farvi scappare l'occasione di leggere questa piccola gemma.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
GiadaLexy | 11 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 10, 2022 |
I loved this book and I can't believe it has such a low rating here on goodreads. I'm a big fan of the litrpg genre where just about every story the character gets trapped in a VR game world and usually has to win the game to get released and save his life or something similar. Once I got a few chapters in and the author showed up that's all I could think of this is a rom-com litRPG without stats.
I loved that the Annabelle had to fight with the author to get the story she wanted. I also hope that the story Keating was pitching to Diane Sawyer at the end is a real sequel to this book.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
kevn57 | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 8, 2021 |
I ended up enjoying this book more than I thought I would. This type of story isn't even close to what I read regularly but thought I would take a break from it all for more 'lighter' reading.

It's a quirky story with surprisingly good character development. Annabelle is likable and relatable if you're the type of person who needs to go by a rigid schedule and have all the lifelong plans laid out ready to be achieved. Although she's had her whole life thought out she realizes also that life throws things to veer you off course.

However what I like the most about this story is the underlying real message. It's ok to think out of the box. It's ok to not adhere to life plans and schedules and just be. Have fun and enjoy what you got.

Such and enjoyable and quick read. A nice one to pick up after heavy reading.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
sensitivemuse | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 28, 2021 |
What a gem of a book, a perfect story wrapped up in a wonderful package. This is the kind of book I love to read, one that has a great story, unusual , fun to read and makes me pick it back up immediately after I put it down. I read this book in two nights, It was that hard to put down. Keating has a lovely writing style and the story Oh Boy, what a story. She also has a wonderful way of describing a dream. The book is titled Dreamology so of course it has dreams and her retelling of dreams is amazing she actually captures that odd wonderful feeling of a disjointed dream Let me stress again I LOVE this book.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
greergreer | 11 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 1, 2019 |
Une bien jolie surprise! Le concept est génial et les personnages sont vraiment bien écrits.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
ElodieTheFangirl | 11 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Nov 16, 2018 |
Não sei nem como começar essa resenha. Estou nas nuvens com esse livro amorzinho e encantador do começo ao fim. A primeira vez que tive contato com esse livro foi na versão em inglês quando a Melina, do blog Serendipity, mostrou em suas redes sociais que estava lendo-o. Dei uma procurada e fiquei muito curiosa com a sinopse e logo coloquei a obra na minha wishlist lá do BookDepository. Quando vi que a Globo Alt ia lançá-lo, dei pulinhos pois sabia que seria a oportunidade de ter esse livro em mãos.

O garoto dos meus sonhos é o primeiro livro da autora Lucy Keating. Escrito em primeira pessoa (narrador-personagem) temos a visão de toda a história através do olhar da Alice Rowe, mas é tão sutil que tem momentos que parece que estamos lendo um livro em terceira pessoa. E isso foi muito bom, pois notávamos o que cada personagem sentia, sem a interferência ou não conhecimento do narrador (que era a Alice).

No primeiro momento nos encantamos com Max, principalmente porque só o conhecemos através dos sonhos de Alice. Porém quando surge na vida real, ele demonstra ser teimoso e meio petulante. Mas há uma razão para ele se comportar assim. Alice já reage de forma diferente. Ela é mais sonhadora e acredita que o mundo dos sonhos pode ocorrer na vida real da mesma maneira. Podemos nos identificar um pouco com ela. Sei lá, me sinto um pouco Alice, de vez em quando.
No post do blog Prateleira de Cima tem mais sobre minha experiência de leitura e muitas fotos com esse livro lindinho
O garoto dos meus sonhos
site: http://www.karinparedes.com/o-garoto-dos-meus-sonhos-de-lucy-keating/
Merkitty asiattomaksi
karinbezeoli | 11 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Nov 9, 2018 |
It was an interesting concept and the author did a good job with it. I guess my 3 stars isn't 4 because I didn't agree with some of the message she was trying to present. Yes, I agree that we need to take charge of our own destinies and take chances to achieve our desires even though there are no guarantees of a perfect ending in this life. But I don't think she takes it far enough. The mc's parents and the author character are suffering from divorce. The author seems to say that that's just a risk you take when you fall in love but there's nothing you can do about it. I strongly disagree and believe that if you want a happy ending, you need to work hard and continue to fight for it. Why fight for the start, like the mc does, and then say, alright, take it away fate whether this will work out and we will stay together and be happy. I think that (excluding abuse and infidelity) most failed marriages are because one or both people got lazy, started acting selfishly, and stopped trying. Also teenagers shouldn't be in steady relationships precisely for the reasons the mc states at one point, that she doesn't know who she is yet and has a lot to discover about herself. She should be spending time dating lots of people and exploring the world, learning, etc. Teenage love triangles are ridiculous. You like both boys? Then date both boys! It's high school, you aren't going to get married for a while, so don't date exclusively!

Also, her explanation about the colors in the sunset and sunrise was incorrect. The sun is not farther away from the earth but because of the angle of the sun rays, the light has to travel through more atmosphere than it does when high overhead.

Notes about content:
* A little swearing
* Lots of detailed kissing scenes
* Some underage drinking
Merkitty asiattomaksi
wrightja2000 | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Sep 6, 2018 |
I loved this book, and loved diving into Alice's dreams with her. This is a wonderful young adult romance book!
Merkitty asiattomaksi
StarlieLC | 11 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jul 4, 2018 |
Yikes, this book is probably more of a 1.5 star read, but I really just can't. Talk about a cover buy, this was my first purchase on Book Outlet and I can't say that I have ever been so disappointed in a book in my life.

I enjoyed Literally by Lucy Keating, and really think her ideas are all quirky, unique, and interesting, but this was just... too much.

I hated the characters. All of them. I hated both love interests (yep, there's a love triangle in this one) so much I couldn't even back up the romance in this one. I mean it was like the "dream boy" was so rude and then the other boy in there who's name I can't remember felt like the author was trying too hard to have us be torn between them and just nope. Get this - I even hated the main character! I hated her mom, her dad, her friends - everyone!

Even the writing of this book was clunky and awful.

I enjoyed Literally. Couldn't quite get into this one.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
jlydia | 11 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 25, 2018 |
I mean it was cute, but not very memorable.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
jlydia | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 25, 2018 |
I bailed on this one. I really liked the concept, but I found the execution lacking. The story had to stretch a big believability factor and it wasn't working for me.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Haneyhh | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Apr 10, 2018 |
A fun, cute, easy read. The story of a girl who dreams of her perfect guy an eventually ends up face to face with him in reality.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
karenvg3 | 11 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 19, 2018 |
This book is strangely wonderful. Such a fun read!
Merkitty asiattomaksi
mmalyn | 11 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Feb 24, 2018 |
I found the concept of Literally - a character in a story realizing she is being written by an author and butting heads with said author to be uniquely refreshing and brilliantly creative! I was really interested to see how this book would turn out.

Unfortunately, I was disappointed. While the plot was very creative and well written, the story fell short of what I had hoped it would be. I found the characters to be a bit shallow and the storyline never really moved me or engaged me. I am sad to say - I went away from reading this book feeling "blah" about it.

Having shared the above, let me also ask that all of you out there in blog land, make your own decision regarding Literally. Give this book a chance! What may not be my cup of tea might just be something you would love and enjoy to read!

I received this book for free. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are my own. Thank you to Harper Collins Publishing, Ms. Keating and Edelweiss for the opportunity to read and review this book.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
mrsrenee | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Apr 19, 2017 |
Actual Rating: 3.25

Okay, so the premise of Dreamology is fantastic. It centers around Alice, who's been dreaming of the perfect guy, Max, for forever. They've done all sorts of crazy and romantic things, and Alice is quite certain that he's the one. But that's the thing about dreams - they're not real.

And yet, funnily enough, on her first day at a new school, she sees him - the guy from her dreams. But of course, things aren't going to go smoothly; Dream Max and Real Max couldn't be more different, and Alice is crushed when she realizes that her happily ever after isn't going to come right away.

And yet, when reality and fiction start to blur, Alice and Max realize that they're running out of time - but are they willing to put a stop to their dreams, if it means letting go forever?

Alright, I've definitely got a lot to say for this one.
I'll start by listing out the three biggest things: writing style, plot, and character.

For this book, I'd say that writing style was the thing that really kept me going - it wasn't "beautiful" writing, to be honest - not like The Perks of Being a Wallflower or The Fault in Our Stars. If anything, I'd say that it was a book that was easy to get through - it was smooth and cute and light - a quick read. And because it was written like that, I found that I was able to fly through the story.

As for plot, I'm a little indecisive.
At a glance, I'd say that the plot was relatively well planned and organized - it was full of action and between those there were cute lil moments that really touched me.

The story moved along at the perfect pace, I'd say, so that definitely wasn't an issue.
What was a problem, in my opinion, was the fact that the plot was very character-centric, meaning that everything that happened in the story seemed to be there solely for the purpose of saying: "this
Now, that leads me to another problem: characters.
For me (and it seems like many others), character was really a problem - especially Alice. I too felt like she was whiney and annoying - overly obsessed with making Max her entire life, even if it meant claiming him as her very own (despite the fact that they had just met), even if it meant betraying a perfectly nice girl who considered Alice a friend.

Now, it could be argued that this was what Alice was supposed to be like - she was supposed to grow from a selfish, immature girl to someone who understood what it meant to live life.
The problem was, I don't think she really learned her lesson - after she was caught cheating, it still seemed like she was desperate for Max to be hers - and she continued to victimize herself, saying she was hurt because of his indecisiveness, or even because he wasn't as perfect as she had imagined.

Continuing with the issues of characters and what I said before about the plot being character-centric - I believe this applies to side characters as well.
Characters like Oliver and Sophie and Celeste all had so much potential, but they seemed to just be "there", whether it was for comedic relief, or to push Max and Alice together.
Not only did I ship Oliver and Alice more than I shipped Alice and Max, but I also felt like Oliver's jump from Alice to Sophie was a weak way of saying that he had no chance and could just move on to someone else and let Max and Alice have their happily ever after.

The general idea: Writing style was smooth, plot was a little character-centric, the main character was a bit over the top, and I wished the side characters had more screen time.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
CatherineHsu | 11 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 8, 2016 |
Dreamology is a super sweet book. Not the sugary kind that give you a chill after having too much of them. No, this book is the fresh, fruity kind sweet that you can’t seem to stop enjoying.

Did I tell you I love this book? Yes, I love this book (well, hello there pretty cover). The writing is absolutely adorable and vividly depicted. It’s the kind that you can just simply enjoy just by itself, even without the storyline. But hey, that’s not the situation here, because Dreamology isn’t just composed of good writing, but also utterly captivating plot, with hilarious encounters and beautiful imagination. See peeps? You got a 2 in 1 awesome combination of words-so-
sweet-it-melts-your-soul and a downright awesome story. I can’t really see your reason to not picking up this book.

The character cast in Dreamology is absolutely lovable. Each of them, whether protagonists or bystanders, contains their very own vibrate and colorful vibes that makes it impossible for me to hate. Our two main characters, Alice and Max, are just super quirky and charming. Their tones and interactions are pure laughter, and the attraction is very realistic but adorable at the same time. I miss reading about them.

I love the science of dream behind this book, the beautiful message about going forward that this book contains. I love the friendship, the imaginations, the humor, the emotions, and those moments of toothy grin that this book gave me. My affection for Dreamology can be compared to chocolate, and that is the equivalent to a lot of unicorn-rainbow goodness. Read it, peeps, and go out to proclaim it to every bibliophile hives out there, because this book is a adorably quirky read that no one wants to miss.

- - - - -

March 31, 2016: I was kind of reluctant about giving this a full 5 stars since I was comparing it w/ Harry Potter or LOTR at some point (silly me, I know, but that's how cool this book is). But then I realize this is probably the most awesome contemporary book I've read...

*whisper* By the way, review to come, peeps ;D
Merkitty asiattomaksi
mariananhi | 11 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 7, 2016 |
Would make a most excellent '80s teen movie!

(Full disclosure: I received a free electronic ARC for review through Edelweiss.)

"I MADE HIM up. At least that’s what I always told myself. The combination of all my childhood adorations, combined into one perfect guy. The trouble is, I was wrong. Because right now Max is sitting directly across the quad from me, reading our psych textbook and pausing every few minutes to type something on his phone. He’s wearing a heather-gray T-shirt and I want to go over and sit on his lap."

"In this moment, watching Max, I picture my heart as one of Jane’s beloved fish. How many ways could it possibly be murdered before Max is through with me? I picture it now, swimming with a bunch of other little heart muscles down a stream, before they are all caught up in a net, jumping and wiggling around."

Alice and Max have been dreaming of each other since they were children. They've traveled the (dream) world together. They've had food fights at the Met; played games of Jenga with life-sized foam bricks; boogie boarded down Nan's grand staircase; and dined on chocolate Legos (all the better to build castles with!). For the past eleven years, they've been the one constant, comforting, dependable thing in each others' lives. Ever since Alice's mom abandoned the family to study primates in Uganda (and then Madagascar), and Max's older sister Lila died in a drunk driving accident. Ever since the nightmares began, and their parents enrolled them in the brain mapping study at the Center for Dream Discovery.

Dreams and reality collide when Alice's father moves the family back to Boston and into her recently deceased Nan's two-hundred-year-old townhouse. For there, standing in the doorway of her Psych 201 class at Bennett Academy, is Alice's dream boy. There are just three teeny tiny little problems, though: 1) Max refuses to acknowledge their connection; 2) and already has an IRL girlfriend named Celeste; and 3) as their waking and sleeping lives intersect, Alice and Max begin to have trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy.

Alice is convinced that the answers are hidden in the files of the seemingly-sketchy Dr. Petermann, and the research he conducted on them all those years ago. With the help of Max; her NYC BFF Sophie; and her new Boston bud, Oliver, can Lucy set things right - without sacrificing the boy of her dreams?

You know what they say about not judging a book by its cover? Most of the time I'd concur, whether said book is a metaphor for human beings - or an honest to goodness book. But Dreamology's cover art perfectly encapsulates the story found within. This is a book filled with whimsy, romance, and glorious, cotton candy-flavored technicolor dreams that you'll want to call your own.

Alice's dreams, in fact, are my single favorite part of the story. If I could, I'd scoop out the contents of my own sleeping brain - all slasher flicks and nightmares about being stuck in my first job forever - and replace them with Alice and Max's delightfully bonkers nighttime adventures. I can certainly understand why Alice was so reluctant to let her rich dream life go - it's all kinds of awesome. Keating's writing vis-à-vis the dreams is simply inspired. I also loved how she used them to emphasize certain themes and move the plot forward.

The synopsis likens Dreamology to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - and while this is more than fair, Dreamology is much lighter; more fun and playful; like Sunshine, minus much of the angst and heartache. While there are a few sniffly moments, I went through the story convinced that Alice and Max would end up together (in some way, shape, or form), so perhaps this eased some of the tension I might otherwise have felt. It's a light, breezy read, like napping on a snow white cloud or drifting on a magic carpet constructed entirely of cotton candy. (And I mean this in the best way possible!)

Keating does a good job of developing the MCs, Alice and Max, as well as supporting characters Oliver and Celeste - but I felt like Sophie could use a little more attention. That said, my paws-down favorite was Jerry - or, perhaps more to the point, the many ridiculous situations Keating places him in. I can especially relate to how Alice dressed her bulldog up in a tutu and pretended to interview him as Oprah. (When she was younger, natch!) I was THAT KID too.

I also love that Keating avoids setting up a stereotypical sexist catfight sitch between would-be rivals Alice and Celeste. I found their evolving relationship so, so refreshing.

Though I gravitated toward Dreamology because of the SF/F element, the actual story is pretty light on science fiction. Keating doesn't attempt to explain the science behind Alice and Max's shared dreams - but that's okay, since it wouldn't really fit with the tone of the book anyway. Really I'd classify this as more of a contemporary romance -slash- coming-of-age story. Not my usual genre, but I enjoyed it just the same.

A very dreamy four out of five stars.

Merkitty asiattomaksi
smiteme | 11 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 13, 2016 |
Actual rating: 4.5

"It does not do to dwell in dreams and forget to live." -Albus Dumbldore, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling.

Fourteen years ago, I started remembering my dreams with a certain clarity that I haven't been able to do when I was younger. Around that time, I started dreaming about a boy and he was basically the reason I started a dream journal. Years later, in dreams, he stole my memories and looked at me with such hatred and walked away from me. Goes to say that that was the last time I've ever dreamed of him.

Rather rad and crazy, isn't it? And this little snippet is the reason why I picked up Dreamology. I thought it would fluff and puppies and rainbows - stuff of romance; but I am also glad it wasn't because it teaches a lesson summed up by that little quote from our favorite wizarding headmaster.

But Dumbledore is right. Dreams are a way to escape reality- the bad and the ugly; but life is happening and while you dwell in dreams thinking that is the only place where you could be happy, you miss the good things that life could show you.

Alice had to learn this. And this is what the Dreamology is all about. Not the fantastical nor the whimsical escape to dream worlds but just being in the here and now. However, Max had to also know that there's no harm in believing in that dreams could become reality.

Dreamology is a book that really speaks out to me and I almost think that it was written for me.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Ayanami_Faerudo | 11 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 27, 2016 |