Christine Jones (täsmennys)

"Christine Jones" koostuu ainakin 4 eri tekijästä. Heidät on jaoteltu teosten perusteella.

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Sisältää nimen: Christine Jones

Author Division

Christine Jones (1)

The Gifting (Mariard, Bk 1) (2004) 4 kappaletta
Mariard Glass Pawns (2008) 1 kappale
Mariard Volume 5 Onto Grace (2012) 1 kappale
The Snakelex Report (2008) 1 kappale
Died And Moved In. (2008) 1 kappale
Aus Com (2008) 1 kappale
Signature For Sunshine (2008) 1 kappale


1. Christine (M.) Jones, LibraryThing Author of fiction, including the Mariard

2. Christine Jones (1962- ), professor of the Welsh language

3. Christine Jones, Accommodation Management

4. Christine Jones (1961- ), A Northampton childhood