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Sisältää nimen: M.D. Hsi Steven D.

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Dr. Steven Hsi is a family practice doctor in Albuquerque, who is in excellent physical condition and has a happy life, with a successful clinical practice, a loving wife and two beautiful sons. He ignores subtle (and not so subtle) signs of his impending illness, which he attributes to middle age and lack of conditioning, and his sense of invincibility, a trait shared by far too many doctors, keeps him from taking his symptoms seriously. After an episode of severe chest pain his wife, an ICU nurse, listens to his heart and hears a new murmur, which Hsi also hears and can no longer ignore. On that day he is transformed from a healthy adult to a seriously ill patient, a change that is difficult for the average person but seemingly more difficult for Hsi, a fiercely independent doctor who is almost always in charge at work and, to a lesser extent, at home.

Hsi poignantly relates his experiences as a patient and what this illness does to himself, his sense of well being, and his family. He undergoes three major cardiac surgeries, nearly dies on several occasions due to medical mistakes, and experiences medical care that is sometimes caring but more often indifferent and even hostile. However, his faith in God is strengthened throughout the ordeal, as the members of his church, his family, and his loving and dedicated wife provide the support that the medical community fails to give him.

Unfortunately, Dr. Hsi becomes progressively sicker, and died suddenly but not surprisingly at the age of 44, on his way home to celebrate his son's 11th birthday.

"Closing the Chart" is an insightful look at the failure of the American healthcare system to provide adequate medical care and spiritual support for seriously ill patients and their families. Hsi provides valuable lessons for doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to provide better care for their sickest patients, and to families who must take on the burden of caring for a sick family member. However, this was a very depressing and disturbing story, and I was deeply saddened after reading it, despite knowing that the book was written posthumously, so I would recommend it only guardedly.
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3 ääni
Merkitty asiattomaksi
kidzdoc | Sep 5, 2010 |


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½ 3.7