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Laura Hilton

Teoksen Patchwork Dreams (Amish of Seymour) tekijä

27 teosta 526 jäsentä 93 arvostelua

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Sisältää nimen: Laura V. Hilton

Image credit: via orderofbooks.com


Tekijän teokset

Swept Away (2014) 26 kappaletta
Married to a Stranger (2019) 25 kappaletta
Amish Firefighter (2016) 23 kappaletta
Love by the Numbers (2018) 22 kappaletta
The Postcard (Amish of Jamesport) (2015) 21 kappaletta
The Amish Candymaker (2019) 18 kappaletta
Amish Wanderer (2017) 17 kappaletta

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Loved the fiesty grandma in this story. You also have the shy handyman, Drew Stevenson, and Grandma's grand-daughter Sara Jane. Together these three make a delightful romantic story.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
judyg54 | 7 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 4, 2021 |
The Amish Secret Wish by Laura V. Hilton is the 3rd Hidden Springs novel. While it can be read as a standalone, I believe it works better if read after the other two books in the series. Hallie Brunstetter suffered deeply after losing her fiancé, Toby. Being the community’s scribe for The Budget has helped her to heal. She writes under her initials GHB because the bishop has decreed that no one can know her identity. Kiah Esh suffered a heartbreak as well. He found himself enjoying GHB’s articles and decided to write to her. The two have become pen pals. Kiah has fallen in love with his pen pal and has come to Hidden Springs to find her. He meets Hallie whom he finds intriguing and begins spending time with her. Kiah soon wishes that GHB was Hallie. He is unsure how to proceed. The Amish Secret Wish is a humorous Amish tale. I had trouble in the beginning getting into the story. The beginning felt stilted and that I should know information that had yet to be provided (unless you read the prior books). The story gets better after the first couple of chapters. I enjoyed the humorous situations scattered throughout the story. I giggled frequently while reading. Kiah got himself into a number of situations that caused chaos. I did feel that Hallie and Kiah were immature characters. They reminded me of teenagers, not adults who were contemplating marriage. I loved Bishop Nathan along with George, Kiah’s parents, Hallie’s parents, and Hallie’s sister, Joy. The situation with Kiah’s father and Kiah’s ex-girlfriend felt contrived. I found the ending to be rushed and abrupt. The Amish Secret Wish needed an epilogue to make it feel complete. This is a sweet, fun story that is good for a younger audience. I feel that some rewriting and editing were needed. I am not, though, sorry that I read this story. It made me laugh and smile which I needed. Misconceptions, misunderstandings, and mayhem abound in The Amish Secret Wish. The Amish Secret Wish is an amusing tale with assassinated ants, a wily woodpecker, a droll disguise, a broken buggy, patient parents, and a wary whippersnapper.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Kris_Anderson | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Aug 5, 2021 |
You know how you have to be in the right frame of mind to read certain books? That's what I think happened with I read The Amish Secret Wish by Laura V. Hilton. It's either my mood or I should've read the first two novels in the series first before delving into the third installment, especially since the beginning had a tone and feel like the reader was expected to know certain information, despite this being deemed a standalone book.

In saying that, it didn't take me long to get my bearings, but from the beginning I struggled to connect to any of the characters, which could be due to this being my first novel to read in the series. There are some humorous moments that are pretty charming, but even then it wasn't enough to engage me, and I continued to feel that disconnect with the characters throughout the entire novel. Again, I wonder if it's the novel or just my current state that has me struggling.

One part I did enjoy was the ending, even if it felt extremely rushed. I was hoping for more and really think the story would've benefited with an additional chapter or an epilogue. I put the book down feeling both satisfied yet wanting more. Just when I had started to engage the book abruptly ended.

Overall The Amish Secret Wish has a juvenile feel, especially considering that both the main characters exuding immaturity throughout, in both thoughts and actions, making me feel like this would be a decent read for younger audiences. I am debating on giving this series another shot, and going back to read book one, in hopes that I will like it more, and gain a better understanding and appreciation for The Amish Secret Wish. I truly did want to love this novel, but sadly it was a lackluster read for me.

*I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Forever Publishing through NetGalley. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
cflores0420 | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jul 30, 2021 |
"The Amish Secret Wish" presents readers with a cross between slapstick comedy and thwarted romance. Hallie and Kiah conduct their romance as pen pals, although Kiah does not know Hallie's name. He knows her only as "the scribe" with initials GBH. When the opportunity to meet her presents itself, Kiah is determined to find and court the woman with whom he has fallen in love via letters. However, circumstances repeatedly work against them. The blessed Gott has a way of working things out for those who remain faithful, and this occurs in the course of the story. The characters reveal themselves as flawed individuals, with obstacles and hang-ups to be overcome. Although the action occurs over the course of just a few days, the roller coaster ride of emotions packs a lot into such a short time.

I sometimes felt as if the novel was written for filming, with the inclusion of quirky characters and Kiah's constant mishaps (thus my referral to slapstick comedy scenes). I also dislike the contemporary writing style that utilizes short,incomplete sentences for emphasis. However, that is a personal preference that may not present a problem for other readers. The plot became a bit tiresome as Kiah and Hallie engaged in the tug-of-war of emotions, as well as Kiah's wild goose chase for "the scribe" with Hallie's initials GBH. The Christian message is overt but not preachy.

Readers who enjoy a sweet romance with a touch of spice will find this a fun read, although it differs somewhat from traditional Amish novels. The book ends rather quickly with some surprising twists.

I received this novel from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
LadyoftheLodge | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jul 5, 2021 |

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