6+ teosta 42 jäsentä 2 arvostelua


Kristina Grish's haiku book all about the frustrations of relationships is a must read. I honestly loved it!

With lockdown and all the fun of being alone, this book was much needed. Are you looking for a way to vent and heal from your problems? Read a book that brings stress to the forefront (in a good way!). Emotions of all kinds relating to breakups and awful times in relationships are expressed in such an incredible way. Poetry is amazing, isn't it?

The introduction and backstory made me so frustrated for Kristina, but I'm glad she was able to overcome the darker times and write this book to get her feelings out. I'm proud of her. People absolutely suck and books like this can connect us to have to deal with some of the sucky times. There's so many good haikus in here - the one about glasses, Seth Meyers, and more. They were all relatable and fantastic!

I really liked this book as someone who dabbles into poetry once in a while. I am definitely not the be all end all of poetry lovers, but I think this book did breakups justice. This is a great healing book! If you love poetry or just want to read the odd poem, this book is for you! It's relatable, well written and just all around awesome.

Five out of five stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Tiller Press for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
This book seems to actually be meant seriously. But she doesn't seem to know or care much about Judaism. Go figure.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
MarthaJeanne | Feb 9, 2014 |