
Talia Ellison

Teoksen Hers to Take tekijä

29 teosta 98 jäsentä 2 arvostelua


Tekijän teokset

Hers to Take (2016) 30 kappaletta
The Deal (2017) 9 kappaletta
Hold Me (2015) 7 kappaletta
Hers to Save (2016) 4 kappaletta
Unfold Me (2015) 3 kappaletta
Boss (2020) 2 kappaletta
The Vow (2018) 2 kappaletta
The Gift (2018) 2 kappaletta
Bully Payback (2019) 2 kappaletta
Arranged: Cassaro Mafia (2021) 2 kappaletta
Never His (2019) 2 kappaletta
Leader (2021) 2 kappaletta
Queenpin (2019) 2 kappaletta
Hers to Love (2017) 2 kappaletta
Sovereign (2019) 1 kappale
Bully Revenge (2020) 1 kappale
Bully Retribution (2020) 1 kappale
Destroying the Billionaire (2017) 1 kappale

Merkitty avainsanalla


Kanoninen nimi
Ellison, Talia



"The Deal" was your typical mafia romance that was filled oozing sexual tension, action and lots of deaths yet despite that, it was mediocre read. The plot was pretty much heading in the direction I've anticipated which made it lackluster, the mole situation was pretty obvious and the characters were just boring and lacked the real oomph to really draw me in. Sadly due to all those factors, I've decided to not continue on with the rest of the series.

… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
ayoshina | Jul 31, 2022 |
I received an ARC for honest review for netgalley. I have to say I am anxiously awaiting the second half, it was slow going at first, but then got interesting. Frustrating at times, but there are so many questions I still have that I am sure I will read the rest of it, even though I predict much anger in my future. Aaron and Octavia made a good couple, poor things have a Romeo and Juliet love going on. Octavia really put her life on the line for her family, especially her cousin Katya whom I kind of wish we could have read somewhere about her appreciation. Actually Octavia's whole family should have given her more appreciation than what she was given. Her brother Tony felt bad, and I wish again, that we could have read about his remorse for sending her in. Her brother Jason, was infuriating and obnoxious, he should be greatful he got his sister back in one piece. But this is the mob we are reading about, and another prediction I have is I am pretty sure Jason will be giving his family problems in the future. I liked Marco, he was loyal to Aaron and his friend til the end, and was happy he could be for her now. Anyway, as I mentioned so many questions left, that I can't wait to get answers for. Well until December for next edition. Man, did I hate Aaron's father Robert, hopefully justice will happen… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
NelisPelusa | Nov 27, 2016 |


Arvio (tähdet)
½ 3.6

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