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Sue DentKirja-arvosteluja

Teoksen Never Ceese tekijä

6 teosta 61 jäsentä 2 arvostelua


Never Ceese involves two supernatural beings, a werewolf and a vampire, each seeking out a way to remove the curse and restore them to humanity. Sue introduces several new elements to the mythology such as the werewolf has the ability to give energy to people around them as well mental telepathy. She also puts into place a definite Christian framework of what is permissible and not permissible religiously to the werewolf and vampire. These elements alone are enough to at least browse the book, but Dent's poor character development and use of last minute cheesy villain is god-awful and extremely predictable! I found myself at the end wanting Buffy to appear.

I so wanted this book to work, but instead the book turned into work just to make it to the end. I probably should have given it a 1 star but for those brief moments it showed promise I gave it the benefit of the doubt.

There's a second book so if anybody wants to venture there and give me feedback I'd appreciate it. The author shows innovate style but needs work on character and story development.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
revslick | 1 muu arvostelu | Nov 27, 2010 |