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I received this book free in return for a review.

The author here tells us of his own health challenges owing to mercury poisoning, and points out the absolute toxicity of mercury, which has been known for countless years.

In the beginning of his career he performed mercury fillings like any other dentist, since the American Dental Association (ADA) has constantly assured the public of their safety.

When Dr. Rota eventually came to understand the dangers of amalgam fillings (which are 50% mercury), he stopped using them and continued his career as a biological dentist.

Mercury fillings poison the whole body, giving rise to various diseases and symptoms that few realize have anything to do with their teeth and what they contain,

Mercury vapour, which is emitted from mercury fillings during dental procedures, chewing, brushing teeth and breathing, is absorbed into the lungs and the mercury is transported to the kidneys, liver, and brain.

The mouth absorbs mercury through the roots, bones and gums.

The ADA has continuously deceived the public about mercury, claiming it is harmless, though thousands of studies have documented its toxicity,

Prenatal mercury exposure from maternal dental amalgam has been shown to cause stillbirths and early post-natal deaths.

The ADA has continued to state that mercury fillings are safe for pregnant women and nursing mothers, even though mercury clearly passes to the foetus and newborn.

In the course of his career, the author has presented decisive evidence of the toxicity of mercury fillings, but his findings have been suppressed by the dental authorities and the powers that be.

Mercury poisoning due to mercury fillings gives rise to a wide range of psychological and central nervous system conditions, head, neck and oral cavity disorders, systemic effects, immunological symptoms, and cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and endocrine effects.

Dr. Rota was severely affected by mercury poisoning but has detoxified himself in various ways, including rebounding, colon cleansing, intake of glutathione, green foods and supplementations such as chlorella, spirulina, cilantro, garlic, etc. Fish and seafood containing high amounts of mercury must of course be avoided.

In short, the author provides us with an exposé and prolific scientific documentation of the vast dangers of mercury and how American dentistry causes mercury poisoning both by its insistence on continuing the use of mercury fillings and denial of the dangers.

It shocks me that the use of mercury fillings is still continued in the U.S. despite the fact that their toxicity was documented years ago.
Firstly, the ADA is to blame for deliberately suppressing the truth of the matter. Secondly, the dentists are to blame for continuing to use this poison, even though it also affects their own health, Thirdly, the general public is to blame. Each individual needs to take charge of his or her own health, and refuse to be treated with mercury. In the final end the responsibility always lies with the individual.

I myself live in Denmark, where the use of mercury fillings was banned some years ago. And many years before that I had refused to accept further mercury fillings and had my existing ones removed.

Years ago, I developed MS and severe migraine following dental treatment with mercury fillings, and now also have scleroderma. I am presently working on detoxification of my body of all the mercury inflicted on my system by dentists.

I find this book to be absolutely an important contribution to our knowledge of the matter, owing to its information about the toxicity of mercury and methods by which to flush it from our bodies. Read this book if you have mercury fillings or are likely to get any, and make sure your children avoid this poison. Mercury fillings will eventually be banned, but in the meantime we must ourselves take responsibility for refusing them.

This is a well-written, informative, important, and perhaps essential book on the dangers of mercury fillings.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
IonaS | Dec 13, 2015 |



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