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Francis Darwin (1848–1925)

Teoksen The Life of Charles Darwin tekijä

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Image credit: Francis Darwin. Wikimedia Commons.

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Associated Works

The Descent of Man (1871) — Toimittaja, eräät painokset1,595 kappaletta
Elämäni (1887) — Toimittaja, eräät painokset888 kappaletta
Tunteiden ilmaisu ihmisessä ja eläimissä (1872) — Toimittaja, eräät painokset755 kappaletta
Autobiography and selected letters (1958) — Toimittaja — 62 kappaletta
The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin (1887) — Toimittaja — 57 kappaletta
The Life of Erasmus Darwin (1879) — Toimittaja, eräät painokset32 kappaletta
Selected Letters on Evolution and Origin of Species (1958) — Toimittaja — 26 kappaletta
The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin - Volume 2 (2008) — Toimittaja — 23 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla




This was the first published biography of Charles Darwin, as edited by one of his children. It's a little unusual in format, containing as it does, Darwin's (intended to be private) autobiography, a pile of Darwin's letters (up to 1860, the year Origin of Species was published), some memories from the editor and a final chapter by Huxley on the reception of Origin of species, from the perspective given by a 30 years' interval.

Previously I've found letters collections to give a lot of insight into the character of their authors, more so then their biographers do. The letters here make clear Darwin's conflict between his egotistical desire for "credit" and his Christianity-derived value of humility, which wins out in terms of his behaviour regarding Wallace. They also demonstrate Darwin's focus on scientific matters and his method of working as well as his ill-health through much of his adult life. I'm not sure I'd recommend this as a starting place for Darwin studies, though. Instead read The Voyage of the Beagle and Bowlby's biography first, (bearing in mind that the latter's Freudian theory of Darwin's character is less convincing than the theory that Darwin was Aspie, though).… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Arbieroo | Jul 17, 2020 |

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