
Rain Danvers

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1 Work 17 jäsentä 1 Review

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Her Christmas Bonus (2014) 17 kappaletta

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Title: Her Christmas Bonus
Author: Rain Danvers
Publisher: GRM Digital Publishing
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"Her Christmas Bonus" by Rain Danvers

Book Description....

New Adult Romance – A Sexy Contemporary Romance Novelette

"Sage has been working at a high-tech firm in Newport Beach, CA for over two years as the only female director among three men. She is highly valued by her boss and she loves her job, but there's a problem - she's totally attracted to him and the stress is killing her. She's taking three days off for the Christmas holiday and has posted her availability online, hoping to find a job when she returns. Before she can leave, she has to find her cell phone and she doesn't know where she left it.

Terrance is the founder and owner of Templeton Designs and considers Sage so valuable to the company, he can't afford to acknowledge the feelings he has for her. He's stuck at the company this year when normally he would be enjoying the holiday in a warm, tropical location. It may be the year he finds a way to acknowledge the woman who holds his heart captive."

What I liked about this novel....

"Her Christmas Bonus" was a short romantic Christmas novella. What I liked about it was it was very quick easy and sweet read about Sage and Terrance. If was for sure that Terrance knew what he wanted and went after it and id he get it? Well, you will have to pick up and read "Her Christmas Bonus" to see!
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
arlenadean | Dec 26, 2014 |


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