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金庸 (1924–2018)

Teoksen A Hero Born: Legends of the Condor Heroes Vol. 1 tekijä

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Louis Cha was born Cha Leung-yung in Haining, China on March 10, 1924. He graduated from Soochow University's law school in 1948. He worked as a journalist and translator for the newspaper Ta Kung Pao. He later became a film critic and editor for The New Evening Post in Hong Kong. In 1959, he näytä lisää established his own newspaper Ming Pao Daily News. He stepped down as chairman of the Ming Pao Enterprise Corporation in 1993. He wrote novels under the pen name Jin Yong. From 1955 to 1972, he wrote 14 novels including The Book and the Sword and Legends of the Condor Heroes trilogy. His novels inspired numerous film, television, and video game adaptations. He died of organ failure on October 30, 2018 at the age of 94. (Bowker Author Biography) näytä vähemmän
Image credit: Photo of Jin Yong (金庸 / Louis Cha) taken at July 2007 by http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:S19991002. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:JY.jpg


Tekijän teokset

The Book and the Sword (1991) — Tekijä — 84 kappaletta
A Heart Divided (2021) 66 kappaletta
Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain (1992) 54 kappaletta
天龍八部 (1978) 36 kappaletta
鹿鼎記 (1991) 34 kappaletta
The Legendary Couple, Vol. 1 (2005) 16 kappaletta
侠客行 一套两册 (1992) 15 kappaletta
The Legendary Couple, Vol. 2 (2005) 11 kappaletta
碧血剑 一套两册 (1994) 10 kappaletta
神雕侠侣 一套四册 (1994) 10 kappaletta
Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre #8 (2005) 9 kappaletta
The Legendary Couple, Vol. 3 (2005) 7 kappaletta
Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre #10 (2005) 7 kappaletta
金庸散文 (2007) 6 kappaletta
Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre #9 (2005) 6 kappaletta
Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre #11 (2005) 5 kappaletta
The Legendary Couple, Vol. 4 (2003) 5 kappaletta
The Legendary Couple, Vol. 5 (2005) 4 kappaletta
飞狐外传 Fei hu wai zhuan (1985) 4 kappaletta
射雕英雄传 一套四册 (1994) 4 kappaletta
天龍八部(三) 2 kappaletta
金庸散文集 (2006) 2 kappaletta
Fei hu wai zhuan (1996) 1 kappale
金庸散文 (2007) 1 kappale
俠客行(下) 1 kappale
俠客行(上) 1 kappale
鹿鼎記(一) 1 kappale
鹿鼎記(二) 1 kappale
鹿鼎記(三) 1 kappale
鹿鼎記(四) 1 kappale
鹿鼎記(五) 1 kappale
碧血劍(上) 1 kappale
碧血劍(下) 1 kappale

Associated Works

Malaparte: A House Like Me (1999) — Avustaja — 51 kappaletta
Ashes of Time [1994 film] (1994) — Original novel — 17 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla




This book is bananas. The first one was good, so I read this one.

This one is good, and hilarious. Defs moving onto the third one.

Also, most of the characters are jerks, and the one who reminds me of Bumi (from Avatar The Last Airbender) is becoming a favorite.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Tom_Wright | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Oct 11, 2023 |
I forgot I've attempted to read this once before - it all comes back to me once I start listening to the first chapter.

tl;dr - it's hard to get through (I'm still trying to finish it). My mind might change when I finally finish the book, but for now, I highly doubt I'll get the second book in the series.

(I should probably also preface that I've watched many TV remakes of this story, so I remember the gist of the plot even before I started the book. I picked up the book because I wanted to read all the details that might have been skipped in the TV series.)

Unlike more modern wuxia novels, this one takes itself very seriously (maybe I should blame this on the translator), which grates on my nerves a little. The story was originally published as a serial in a newspaper for the general public; it was supposed to be light entertainment, but the introduction in this copy of the book makes this out to be some deep work of literature.
I feel this puts readers in the wrong frame of mind - especially when considering the nature of the characters (I'll get to this later).

For some reason, the translator has chosen to translate some of the character's names, so you'll have characters named "Charity", "Ironheart" and "Withered Wood" next to characters named "Guo Jing", "Yang Kang" and "Qiu Chuji". The reason behind when translations happen seems to be arbitrary.
It's never a good idea to translate Chinese names into their English meaning - it just sounds dumb. Just use the Pingyin and give the explanation in an Appendix. Readers of Chinese novels would get used to recognising names over time.
So when you're listening to the narrator solemnly say, "Withered Wood understood the extent of the Taoist's kung fu, so tried another tactic..." - it just sounds (again), dumb.

This is also very much a novel of its time, the characters are simple, straight-forward people and they fight each other at the drop of the hat. This results in a lot of misunderstandings that drive the plot of the story.
In fact, 90% of the "plot" in this book could be avoided if people "talked" to each other instead of communicating with their fists.
This plot device was originally supposed to show the "righteousness" of the characters - that they can not sit still when they see injustice in the world, regardless of whether injustice was actually being done or who the actual culprit is.

I can't help but feel that this is a reflection of a time when "jocks" were valued above "nerds". Action in the form of fighting was seen as honourable.
However, modern-day sensibilities lean towards characters who are "smart" and who think before they act.
As such, when reading this book, I couldn't help but feel that all the characters are just... well... stupid.

Maybe the original aim of the story was to get its audience riled up at the actions of the characters - kind of like horror moviegoers screaming, "Don't go up those stairs!" or reality TV fans saying, "Oh no, she didn't!"
But this leads back to the introduction at the start of the book. The translator makes this out to be a work of literature that delves into the geo-political structure of ancient China from the perspective of jianghu heroes.
It would probably serve the story better to introduce the book as a martial arts version of The Kardashians.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
vishae | 23 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Sep 4, 2023 |
A Hero Born is the first in the classic Chinese epic Legends of the Condor Heroes by Yong Jin.

I have never read a kung fu epic before and I liked it. There were parts that were slow and I think that I should've gone for a physical book over audio. It's not the narrator's fault, he did a good job. There were just some things I found confusing and I couldn't rewind to listen again as I primarily listened to this one while driving. The fight scenes were a lot of fun and I especially enjoyed the indexes at the end explaining the history behind Chinese kung fu. Fair warning, this ends on a cliff hanger.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Narilka | 23 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Oct 12, 2022 |
Passende Fortsetzung von Band eins:
Sehr spannend, diesmal noch liebenswertere Charaktere, etwas mehr Humor. Nicht viel Tiefgang, macht aber Spaß. Unangenehm wieder der Fokus auf die Ehre, der stark übertriebene Heldenmut, die Idiotie der für den eigenen Ruf ausgeführten Handlungen, die Selbstverständlichkeit des chinesischen Nationalismus.
Insgesamt nicht schlecht, wahrscheinlich werde ich die weiteren Bände irgendwann lesen. Notfalls auf Englisch, auf Deutsch erscheint Band 3 erst im September 2022. Jetzt ist aber erst einmal Zeit für ganz andere Literatur.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
zottel | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Aug 26, 2022 |



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