
Chloe Caldwell

Teoksen Women tekijä

6 teosta 243 jäsentä 4 arvostelua

Tietoja tekijästä

Chloe Caldwell is the author of the novella Women and the essay collection Legs Get Led Astray. Her work has appeared in Lenny Letter, Vice, Salon, the Rumpus, the Sun, and Hobart, among others. She teaches personal essay and memoir writing in New York City and lives in Hudson.

Tekijän teokset

Women (2014) 96 kappaletta
Legs Get Led Astray (2012) 42 kappaletta
The Red Zone: A Love Story (2022) 18 kappaletta
The New Age Camp (2012) 1 kappale

Merkitty avainsanalla





Reading this is certainly an experience. I can't say I necessarily enjoyed it, but it fascinated me from the start. It's written as a pseudo memoir of an author who experiences a Sapphic affair with a woman. The relationship is toxic, and the ending is abrupt. I didn't hate it.

Thanks to NetGalley and publisher for the opportunity to read and review.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
jazzyjbox | 1 muu arvostelu | May 15, 2024 |
This was one of my first recommendations from Book Riot's Tailored Book Recommendations service, and I ordered a copy immediately. as soon as I picked it up I was HOOKED. A fast read about a young woman who moves away from home for the first time and very quickly falls deeply into an obsessive relationship with an older married woman. It is also her first relationship with a woman. This book is largely about her feelings and reactions to that relationship, but it is filled with women, from her close relationship with her mother to her (mostly female) friends and coworkers There are some aspects of the relationship I wish she would have spoken about, but their absence makes sense given the diary-like narration. I loved this.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
greeniezona | 1 muu arvostelu | May 13, 2023 |
The subject matter of this memoir just wasn't for me. It might have been written well, but I couldn't get past the content.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
MNTreehugger | Oct 20, 2017 |
A nice collection of essays, though read in succession there are some stylistic flourishes that become redundant. Caldwell uses a motif of beginning each sentence with the same phrase that makes many of the essays read more like writing exercises than pieces building towards a finished whole. A quick review of the long list of initial publications for the various essays reinforces this first impression.

Overall, the essays are concerned with sex, drugs, and youthful choices in a way that is meant to be shocking but really wore me out. Without a grander conclusion to push towards, the shock value is all that's left, and there's really not enough that shocks me for me to love this collection.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
jscape2000 | Jul 9, 2015 |

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