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Brussat, Frederic



I received this book as a gift from a friend a couple of years ago and re-started reading it in December. Somehow it had never caught my attention. In December 2008, I seemed to be in a better frame of mind to get into it. The subtitle, "reading the sacred in everyday life," is a perfect description of the book.

I am not sure how to categorize this book as I think I have decided that this is not a book that is easy to read from beginning to end. I think it would be a great book to read slowly and mark quotes I find interesting. By default this is the way I am reading it. I think that I may extract the quotes and write about them later.

This isn't a book about religion. It is more about spirituality and exposes the reader to bits of texts on spirituality which I don't normally encounter.

The authors use the alphabet and words associated with each letter as a way of guiding the reader through the text. The list of words alone is a good starting point for thinking about what is sacred about everyday life.

G is for Grace and Gratitude and the section on gratitude, while short, is deep and meaningful.

In February 2009, I was about halfway through and losing steam. I think it is a book that I need to read in between other books.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
jlapac | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Aug 14, 2013 |
As a Quaker, I enjoy readings that jolt you into an appreciation of that of God in and around. I also like the idea that all faiths have people that can reach out and see that of "God" in the ordinary things of live. You know when you have met one.

"We are here to do,
And through doing to learn;
and through learning to know;
and through knowing to experience wonder;
and through wonder to attain wisdom;
and through wisdom to gain simplicity;
and through simplicity to give attention;
and through attention
to see what needs to be done..

Not a book for the fundamentalists in any faith
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
ablueidol | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Nov 5, 2006 |
From the Publisher:

A book that belongs in every seeker's home, Spiritual Literacy answers the universal question, "How can I live a spiritual life every day?" Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat reveal a way to read the texts of our lives and of the world around us for sacred meaning.

Using more than 650 brief examples from contemporary books and movies, they tutor us in the art of lingering with our experiences and seeing the world with fresh eyes. They present spiritual perspectives on things, places, nature, animals, leisure, creativity, service, body, relationships, and community. The Alphabet of Spiritual Literacy describes the key spiritual practices -- from attention to zeal -- that spell the meaning in daily life.
Here is the book to share with your children, family, colleagues, and friends as you explore together the bounties of the spiritual life.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
St-Johns-Episcopal | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Aug 19, 2017 |

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