
Alice K. Boatwright

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5 teosta 154 jäsentä 11 arvostelua

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Sisältää nimen: Alice K. Boatwright


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Lightweight mystery set in a small English village in current day. This first in a series may lead to others that are worth reading. The characters the author created are quirky enough to be fun to follow. The setting is rather cliché, but charming nonetheless.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
beebeereads | 6 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 20, 2021 |
This is one of those mysteries that you read, not because you want fantastic deduction (e.g., Dupin or Poirot or Father Brown) or because you want action adventure (some of the Sherlock Holmes stories) but because the characters are ordinary but still interesting.

"Genial" is the best way I can describe it--the opposite of gritty, I think. I'm an American who likes things English--the English church, the English villages, the English countryside, that whole environment. The book revels in that. That's where it gets its title, and the ending very much matches the title. If that's not your thing, then you should probably go read something else.

The main character is a likable, if rather ordinary, American woman who falls in love with an English clergyman and moves back to England with him. It's the story of her adjusting to life in England, all the while trying to figure out how this dead guy showed up on her doorstep and to stay one step ahead of the police who are inclined to believe she did it.

She does her "detection," if you can call it that, by becoming friends with people and learning more about her little village and the people in it. A lot of the book is the unfolding of an English village and the people in it to an outsider.

Although the English church is rather prominent (since she's married to a clergyman), Christianity itself is not terribly prominent; it's mostly the watered down be-kind-to-people-and-look-at-our-beautiful-history sort of Christianity, so it won't bother you if you're not Christian. (But glimmers of something stronger peep through.)
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
garyrholt | 6 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Nov 5, 2020 |
This book continues in the fine tradition of the first volume. It's about a charming, quaint, pleasant English village at Christmas time, with all that entails. Well, *mostly* pleasant.

As with the first volume, if you don't find life in rural England charming, this probably isn't your thing. It continues to unfold the English village and the people in it to the American foreigner. She continues to make good friends and help people, not with super detective skills, but by caring enough to listen. (And then she does have to think a bit.)

Like the first volume, the mystery is ok. It depends more on coincidence in the investigation than I'd like. I didn't think this was quite as enjoyable as the first one, perhaps because for me a lot of the enjoyment was just getting to know the people and the village, and I'd already done most of that. Unlike the first one, I also found the ending harder to believe. (It seems like there were simpler things the antagonist could have done, but then it wouldn't have been a "cozy" mystery with a happy ending, I guess.) But despite all that, I'll very likely read the next volume when it comes out (especially when it comes out on Kindle Unlimited, like the first two are now).
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
garyrholt | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Nov 5, 2020 |
I enjoyed this mystery set in the Cotswolds, with an American heroine now the wife of an English vicar. An abandoned baby leads her to continue the sleuthing that began in the first of this all-too-short series.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
auntieknickers | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Sep 3, 2020 |




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½ 3.5

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