
Sean Ashcroft

Teoksen Cocky tekijä

42 teosta 382 jäsentä 9 arvostelua


Tekijän teokset

Cocky (2017) 24 kappaletta
Troublemaker (Goode Boys Book 1) (2020) 21 kappaletta
Something New (2018) 18 kappaletta
The Wedding Date (2016) 17 kappaletta
Ballsy (2017) 16 kappaletta
Drawn In (2017) 14 kappaletta
Checked Out (2017) 13 kappaletta
Melting (2020) 13 kappaletta
Heartbreaker (2020) 13 kappaletta
Red Hot (2017) 12 kappaletta
Something Blue (2018) 11 kappaletta
Something Borrowed (2018) 11 kappaletta
Snow on the Roof (2017) 11 kappaletta
A (Fake) Boyfriend for Christmas (2019) 11 kappaletta
Taking a Knee (2016) 11 kappaletta
Risktaker (2020) 10 kappaletta
Stood Up (2017) 10 kappaletta
Manny Makes Three (2017) 10 kappaletta
Spring Fling (2017) 10 kappaletta
Ex-Boyfriend Material (2016) 9 kappaletta
Sanctuary (2018) 9 kappaletta
The Substitute (2018) 9 kappaletta
Player (2018) 8 kappaletta
The Boyfriend Experiment (2017) 7 kappaletta
Guarded (2019) 7 kappaletta
Wedding Season (2017) 6 kappaletta
Grinding (Otter Bay Book 2) (2020) 6 kappaletta
Cruising (2019) 5 kappaletta
Fast Lane (2016) 5 kappaletta
Haven (2018) 5 kappaletta
Turned Over — Tekijä — 5 kappaletta
Hot & Sweet (2018) 4 kappaletta
Rescue (Wild at Heart Book 2) (2018) 4 kappaletta
Prince Charming (2020) 4 kappaletta
Faking (2021) 4 kappaletta
The Family Jules Collection (2020) 3 kappaletta
Grounded 2 kappaletta
Jingling 1 kappale
Blooming (Otter Bay Book 4) (2022) 1 kappale

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Another book I haven't entered when I read it 2-3 months ago, when I was a pig in mud as I discovered Audible Plus. I was so put out that - given that I've been a member of Audible since 2007 - that I had no idea about Audible Plus! I was on Audible Inactive Light and I rarely went to the app to find or buy a book. The only good part of this story is, I think Audible Plus has only been around for one or two years, so I haven't missed out for too long. But my gosh, for romance readers, Audible Plus is a feast. I have found that there are one or two books "free" by almost every romance writer you can think of. And even more books by favorite narrators, if that is how you search for what to read next.

As I came to the title just now it rang a bell, as it is an unusual title. Cocky is the title of a magazine where Eliot works. He's somewhat disillusioned, and an assignment to interview a hockey player doesn't change that ... but Danny intrigues him. He's in the closet - this summary is clear and concise and has brought the pleasure of the book flooding back. Worth a read.

Faking a relationship with an injured hockey player had never been on Eliot's to-do list. When he's sent by his editor at Cocky to interview the newly out hockey legend Danny Harper, though, he gets a little more than he bargained for.

Eliot has been stuck writing a men's fashion and grooming column that no one reads since he started at Cocky - a men's lifestyle magazine - a year ago. Desperate to prove himself, he takes the assignment to interview Harper, even though he couldn't necessarily hold a hockey stick the right way up in an emergency.

Danny turns out to be nothing like he expected - a lonely man who's missed out on a lot by being in the closet rather than the overconfident jock Eliot expects him to be. As much as he doesn't want to be, Eliot finds himself drawn to the other man.

When Danny proposes they fake a relationship to improve his image, Eliot jumps at the chance - not only does he need the money, but his curiosity about Danny demands to be satisfied.

With Danny struggling to get through the season on a busted knee and Eliot digging up the story that could make his career, can the two of them admit their real feelings and find their happy ending?
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Okies | Aug 28, 2023 |
This sweet piece of fluff is definitely a necessary beach read!
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
I really would have liked to like this. Alas, it was bad. (To be fair, the first half held promise but after the mains hooked up it fell flat and I basically skimmed even the sex scenes from there on out.)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
tuusannuuska | Dec 1, 2022 |
this one didn't really grabbed my attention.

on a totally unrelated note. I didn't know that not wanting to sleep with a person until you know them and have strong feelings for them was called demi seksual. I remember having a conversation with a friend about this and how other people called her strange for not wanting to have one night stands. it still baffles me that people don't get that. and now it baffles me that it has an actual name.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Jonesy_now | Sep 24, 2021 |


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