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Alex Stewart: Portrait of a Pioneer Tekijä:…

Alex Stewart: Portrait of a Pioneer (vuoden 1997 painos)

Tekijä: John Rice Irwin (Tekijä)

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281861,398 (4.5)-
Alex Stewart was a recipient of a National Heritage Fellowship Award in 1983 by the National Endowment for the Arts in Washington which recognized him as a living national treasure.Over a twenty year period of friendship the author developed a profound respect and great love for Alex Stewart, a truly remarkable Tennessee mountain character whose life epitomizes the pioneer development in America. The best of hundreds of hours of recorded conversations with Stewart are compiled into a moving portrait of this cooper, father of 13, farmer, logger, railroad man, and do-it-yourself interpreter of his rugged homeland. Because the ways Stewart tells his own stories are as important as the stories themselves, he is allowed to do most of the "talking" throughout the book. Through his own account of the people around him, Alex describes his rural life in the late 19th and 20th centuries through stories such as when he was bit by a rabid dog, when neighbor children begged for food, or how people gathered honey, made marbles, moonshine or furniture. Throughout his 94 years, Alex, who died in 1985, depended upon his own good sense to direct him and it led him through a rich and fascinating life.This book is a genuine labor of love.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Alex Stewart: Portrait of a Pioneer
Kirjailijat:John Rice Irwin (Tekijä)
Info:Schiffer Craft (1997), 298 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Alex Stewart: Portrait of a Pioneer (tekijä: John Rice Irwin)


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If you want to continue living with the romantic notions of mountain life of days gone by, do not read this book - it is a real look into what life was really like. ( )
  Staci09 | Jan 2, 2015 |
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Alex Stewart was a recipient of a National Heritage Fellowship Award in 1983 by the National Endowment for the Arts in Washington which recognized him as a living national treasure.Over a twenty year period of friendship the author developed a profound respect and great love for Alex Stewart, a truly remarkable Tennessee mountain character whose life epitomizes the pioneer development in America. The best of hundreds of hours of recorded conversations with Stewart are compiled into a moving portrait of this cooper, father of 13, farmer, logger, railroad man, and do-it-yourself interpreter of his rugged homeland. Because the ways Stewart tells his own stories are as important as the stories themselves, he is allowed to do most of the "talking" throughout the book. Through his own account of the people around him, Alex describes his rural life in the late 19th and 20th centuries through stories such as when he was bit by a rabid dog, when neighbor children begged for food, or how people gathered honey, made marbles, moonshine or furniture. Throughout his 94 years, Alex, who died in 1985, depended upon his own good sense to direct him and it led him through a rich and fascinating life.This book is a genuine labor of love.

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