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The Shape of Athenian Law (Clarendon Paperbacks)

Tekijä: S. C. Todd

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Unlike its predecessors, this systematic survey of the law of Athens is based on explicit discussion of how the subject might be studied; and it incorporates topics like the democratic political system and social structure, which are too often regarded as being outside the scope of law. Atits heart lies an attempt to reshape our understanding of how the Athenian legal system operated; but it also deals extensively with subjects such as slavery, inheritance, maritime trade, and patterns of land-holding. The author draws primarily on the hundred or so surviving law-court speeches ofthe Attic orators, but also uses Athenian comedy, public inscriptions, and various historical and philosophical texts. Technical and legal terms, ancient and modern, are explained in a comprehensive glossary. This book should be accessible to those interested in social history and the anthropologyof law, as well as to historians of the ancient world.… (lisätietoja)

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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Unlike its predecessors, this systematic survey of the law of Athens is based on explicit discussion of how the subject might be studied; and it incorporates topics like the democratic political system and social structure, which are too often regarded as being outside the scope of law. Atits heart lies an attempt to reshape our understanding of how the Athenian legal system operated; but it also deals extensively with subjects such as slavery, inheritance, maritime trade, and patterns of land-holding. The author draws primarily on the hundred or so surviving law-court speeches ofthe Attic orators, but also uses Athenian comedy, public inscriptions, and various historical and philosophical texts. Technical and legal terms, ancient and modern, are explained in a comprehensive glossary. This book should be accessible to those interested in social history and the anthropologyof law, as well as to historians of the ancient world.

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