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Sacred Cows Tekijä: Karen E. Olson

Sacred Cows (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 2005; vuoden 2006 painos)

Tekijä: Karen E. Olson (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1728160,546 (3.4)11
Covering the murder of a Yale student who worked evenings as a high-priced escort, police reporter Annie Seymour finds her investigation of the murder compromised by her stonewalling cop boyfriend and a far-reaching network of corruption.
Teoksen nimi:Sacred Cows
Kirjailijat:Karen E. Olson (Tekijä)
Info:Warner Books (2006), Edition: First Edition
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Toivelista, Parhaillaan lukemassa, Aion lukea, Luettu, ei oma
Arvio (tähdet):


Sacred Cows (tekijä: Karen E. Olson) (2005)


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» Katso myös 11 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Fun read, set in New Haven. ( )
  Chris.Wolak | Oct 13, 2022 |
Having worked in New Haven many years ago, I thoroughly enjoyed all the local references. The tension among the reporter, police, political figures and private investigator also added to the appeal. ( )
  ccayne | Jul 14, 2021 |
This was a fun fast read. I am interested in reading more about Annie. ( )
  mlake | Apr 28, 2015 |
My blog post about this book is here ( )
  SuziQoregon | Mar 31, 2013 |
I checked out 4 books in the library....I know shock, I actually went for a free book instead of massively hemmoraging money in the book store. I went armed with my list from goodreads, all the books I wanna read, and they either don't have the titles, or authors, or they were already checked out. I grabbed on the go, from genres, and this is the only book worth mentioning. It was actually pretty good, with the main character being some bitchy type journalist after a big story. I didn't get the title until like 3/4 of the way through, as it was an incidental thing throughout the book. That was the biggest complaint. Other than that, it was an okay book, and I'll definitely read more by this author. ( )
  Kace | Jan 30, 2010 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Covering the murder of a Yale student who worked evenings as a high-priced escort, police reporter Annie Seymour finds her investigation of the murder compromised by her stonewalling cop boyfriend and a far-reaching network of corruption.

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Keskiarvo: (3.4)
1.5 2
2 4
2.5 2
3 16
3.5 1
4 11
4.5 1
5 6

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