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Tekijä: Marc D. Giller

Sarjat: Hammerjack (Book 1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
125-220,481 (3.27)-
In this dark, futuristic thriller, Marc Giller defines the cutting edge of suspense with a relentless tale of murder, techno-terrorism, and a conspiracy one man is driven to uncover--even if he must undo reality in the process. . . . They ride virtual waves of code and pirate high-tech secrets to sell to the highest bidder--they are faster and smarter than your security system, and are only too happy to show you by how much. They are hammerjacks, and the rewards of their profession are second only to the sheer rush of what they do. Cray Alden was once one of them. Now he's a corporate spook chasing down the information traffickers who've turned business into all-out war. But beneath the surface skirmishes lurks something darker--rumors of a biological supercomputer that threatens to shift the balance of power between man and machine. Now Cray is caught in the cross fire between the corporate Collective and a shadowy fanatical anti-tech cult called Inru. With an assassin on his trail and a devastating secret locked in his mind, Cray must turn to the hammerjack who's been his most dangerous, most elusive quarry. Together they are on the deadliest mission of Cray's life--to destroy the god that man made.… (lisätietoja)

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Hammerjack (Book 1)
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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


In this dark, futuristic thriller, Marc Giller defines the cutting edge of suspense with a relentless tale of murder, techno-terrorism, and a conspiracy one man is driven to uncover--even if he must undo reality in the process. . . . They ride virtual waves of code and pirate high-tech secrets to sell to the highest bidder--they are faster and smarter than your security system, and are only too happy to show you by how much. They are hammerjacks, and the rewards of their profession are second only to the sheer rush of what they do. Cray Alden was once one of them. Now he's a corporate spook chasing down the information traffickers who've turned business into all-out war. But beneath the surface skirmishes lurks something darker--rumors of a biological supercomputer that threatens to shift the balance of power between man and machine. Now Cray is caught in the cross fire between the corporate Collective and a shadowy fanatical anti-tech cult called Inru. With an assassin on his trail and a devastating secret locked in his mind, Cray must turn to the hammerjack who's been his most dangerous, most elusive quarry. Together they are on the deadliest mission of Cray's life--to destroy the god that man made.

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3 6
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