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National Geographic Kids Penguins! By Anne…

National Geographic Kids Penguins! By Anne Schreiber [Level 2 Reader] [Paperback]

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2,038118,091 (4.24)1
Learn about penguins and how they live.
Teoksen nimi:National Geographic Kids Penguins! By Anne Schreiber [Level 2 Reader] [Paperback]
Info:Scholastic Press, 12 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Parhaillaan lukemassa
Arvio (tähdet):


Penguins! (National Geographic Kids, Level 2) (tekijä: Anne Schreiber)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 11) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
A great informational text that does a great job at informing children of the beautiful creature that is a penguin. ( )
  Mia_Cha | Feb 18, 2022 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
National Geographic Readers: Penguins is a great resource for informational text for children. This sweet books about penguins shows beautiful pictures of penguins in their environment, it has rich vocabulary, it provides accurate information that is simple for the students to read and it also allows them to look for things such as headings, captions, bold vocabulary words, sidebars, and context clues. This book would be a wonderful resource when doing research reports and projects on penguins and can be paired with other penguin books and videos, as well as PebbleGo. Students will love looking at the pictures and reading all the fun facts about this cute animal.
  katieronning | Jul 19, 2020 |
I liked this book because I found that the information was given in an understanding way while still using the correct vocabulary terms. It was very well organized and paced in a way that the information was not overwhelming. The images were beautiful and the labeling of the different penguins was very helpful for visual learners. The main purpose of the story is to allow the reader to learn facts about penguins. ( )
  hgottl1 | Mar 25, 2020 |
Los pinguinos is another science text that can be used during guided reading. I used this text with my ELL since I thought I would have and easier time connecting to a text written in his native language. And, even though he wasn't attending to the text he used the illustrations and diagrams to gain some sort of understanding of the text. During guided reading it's important to give students a purpose for reading. An activity I did with my student was I had him draw a picture of a penguin's habitat and label. A teacher could do a similar activity when working with students in guided reading groups.
Schreiber, A. (2015). Los Pinguinos. Nat Geo Kids. ( )
  CWilson99 | Oct 21, 2019 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 11) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Learn about penguins and how they live.

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