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Psychology: Concepts and Connections, Brief Version

Tekijä: Spencer A. Rathus

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The theme of this book is applying theories and research to learning and to contemporary life. In every chapter of PSYCHOLOGY: CONCEPTS AND CONNECTIONS, BRIEF VERSION, Eighth Edition, Spencer Rathus CONNECTS psychology to the real world and students' interests, to the field's latest topics and research, to great new multimedia tools, to innovative resources for teaching and learning, and to the proven PQ4R active learning approach. Rathus' warm and engaging writing style explains the fundamentals in ways that students can understand, and then goes a step further to show how those fundamentals relate to students' daily lives. Through Video Connections, Power Visuals, an Author Blog, and interactive pedagogy tied from the text to the book companion web site, this edition provides students with seamless integration of text and technology that will help them study efficiently and effectively.… (lisätietoja)

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The theme of this book is applying theories and research to learning and to contemporary life. In every chapter of PSYCHOLOGY: CONCEPTS AND CONNECTIONS, BRIEF VERSION, Eighth Edition, Spencer Rathus CONNECTS psychology to the real world and students' interests, to the field's latest topics and research, to great new multimedia tools, to innovative resources for teaching and learning, and to the proven PQ4R active learning approach. Rathus' warm and engaging writing style explains the fundamentals in ways that students can understand, and then goes a step further to show how those fundamentals relate to students' daily lives. Through Video Connections, Power Visuals, an Author Blog, and interactive pedagogy tied from the text to the book companion web site, this edition provides students with seamless integration of text and technology that will help them study efficiently and effectively.

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