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Teach yourself to live

Tekijä: C. G. L. Du Cann

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"Seek experiences of all kinds. Go everywhere and see everything. Talk with everyone. Be curious and satisfy your curiosities." 'Charming, even moving. The earnestness, the desire to be seen doing things the right way, was utterly genuine', THE DAILY MAIL. 'A place of stability and solid ground amid the rushing omnibuses', OLIVER BURKEMAN. Teach Yourself To Live is a self-help classic from a very distant age. Then, as now, the self-help world was dominated by energetic Americans preaching the secrets of limitless achievement. But from the off this delightfully dry, wise and pragmatic book offers something quite different - a sober, somewhat stern, but ultimately generous guide to living in a world blighted by modernity and taxes. Nostalgic, funny and charming, this book somewhat bad-temperedly insists the reader not get ideas above his or her station - yet it ends up delivering a bracing, empowering guide to knowing yourself and living well (despite it all). Full of fascinating and unexpected revelations, Teach Yourself To Live flips self-help on its head and provides a marvellous insight into the way we used to feel about life and how to live it. "Never stand when there is an opportunity to sit down, and never sit down when you can lie down." Since 1938, millions of people have learned to do the things they love with Teach Yourself. Welcome to the how-to guides that changed the modern world.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatbarrius383, szarka, viharsheth, Lysias, Essexman

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"Seek experiences of all kinds. Go everywhere and see everything. Talk with everyone. Be curious and satisfy your curiosities." 'Charming, even moving. The earnestness, the desire to be seen doing things the right way, was utterly genuine', THE DAILY MAIL. 'A place of stability and solid ground amid the rushing omnibuses', OLIVER BURKEMAN. Teach Yourself To Live is a self-help classic from a very distant age. Then, as now, the self-help world was dominated by energetic Americans preaching the secrets of limitless achievement. But from the off this delightfully dry, wise and pragmatic book offers something quite different - a sober, somewhat stern, but ultimately generous guide to living in a world blighted by modernity and taxes. Nostalgic, funny and charming, this book somewhat bad-temperedly insists the reader not get ideas above his or her station - yet it ends up delivering a bracing, empowering guide to knowing yourself and living well (despite it all). Full of fascinating and unexpected revelations, Teach Yourself To Live flips self-help on its head and provides a marvellous insight into the way we used to feel about life and how to live it. "Never stand when there is an opportunity to sit down, and never sit down when you can lie down." Since 1938, millions of people have learned to do the things they love with Teach Yourself. Welcome to the how-to guides that changed the modern world.

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