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Mostly Monochrome Stories

Tekijä: John Travis

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By turns unsettling, absurd and poignant, the splintered universe of John Travis, is a surreal, many-hued merry go-round of the imagination where reality, fantasy and hallucination meet in explosions of nightmare and wonder. Here you will meet the man who nailed himself to a bench, some very sinister stationery, a vampire with an embarrassing weakness and the widower who could not let go. Take a walk with a feline detective down the mean streets of a world where humanity has been usurped by its pets, make sure you say your prayers before getting into bed lest you end up in the terrifying world of Pyjamarama ...you are present at the flowering of wonderful new talent - an inspired and truly gifted writer by the name of John Travis. Simon Clark. John Travis is one of the most imaginative and original new voices in dark fiction. His work is insightful, often surreal, and always moving. Tim Lebbon. Cover art by Faye Grimwood… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatJayEales, LordFroggy, shearrob, iamiam

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By turns unsettling, absurd and poignant, the splintered universe of John Travis, is a surreal, many-hued merry go-round of the imagination where reality, fantasy and hallucination meet in explosions of nightmare and wonder. Here you will meet the man who nailed himself to a bench, some very sinister stationery, a vampire with an embarrassing weakness and the widower who could not let go. Take a walk with a feline detective down the mean streets of a world where humanity has been usurped by its pets, make sure you say your prayers before getting into bed lest you end up in the terrifying world of Pyjamarama ...you are present at the flowering of wonderful new talent - an inspired and truly gifted writer by the name of John Travis. Simon Clark. John Travis is one of the most imaginative and original new voices in dark fiction. His work is insightful, often surreal, and always moving. Tim Lebbon. Cover art by Faye Grimwood

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