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Frommer's Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands (Frommer's Complete Guides)

Tekijä: Eliot Greenspan

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Researched by a veteran travel writer who lives in Latin America, Frommer's Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands takes you through this fast-changing country, to visit rugged wilderness preserves, sleepy beach towns, the bustling, colonial captital, and, of course, the spectacular Galapagos Islands. Ecuador offers an opportunity for adventure for all ages and abilities: from mountain biking in Baños, to swimming with sea lions in the Galapagos; from whitewater rafting on the Rio Blanco, to summiting Cotopaxi, the highest active volcano in the world. With Frommer's in hand, you'll experience the wonder of Ecuador's amazing biodiversity, as we point out the best places to see hundreds of unique, colorful species of animals and plants. Frommer's Ecuador even includes a wildlife appendix, to help you identify the creatures you'll encounter along the way. Plus, we give you detailed information on planning an adventure vacation, everything from A to Z. Travel like a pro with our handy Spanish-language glossary and detailed regional and town maps.… (lisätietoja)
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Researched by a veteran travel writer who lives in Latin America, Frommer's Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands takes you through this fast-changing country, to visit rugged wilderness preserves, sleepy beach towns, the bustling, colonial captital, and, of course, the spectacular Galapagos Islands. Ecuador offers an opportunity for adventure for all ages and abilities: from mountain biking in Baños, to swimming with sea lions in the Galapagos; from whitewater rafting on the Rio Blanco, to summiting Cotopaxi, the highest active volcano in the world. With Frommer's in hand, you'll experience the wonder of Ecuador's amazing biodiversity, as we point out the best places to see hundreds of unique, colorful species of animals and plants. Frommer's Ecuador even includes a wildlife appendix, to help you identify the creatures you'll encounter along the way. Plus, we give you detailed information on planning an adventure vacation, everything from A to Z. Travel like a pro with our handy Spanish-language glossary and detailed regional and town maps.

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