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Flat Belly Diet! Pocket Guide: Introducing the EASIEST, BUDGET-MAXIMIZING Eating Plan Yet

Tekijä: Liz Vaccariello

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62-429,026 (3.25)-
A quick and handy guide to smart eating choices from the diet that's transforming America belly by belly. All across America, people are changing their bodies-and their lives-thanks to the Flat Belly Diet! Now, making the best choices for a flat belly in the supermarket, at home, in a restaurant, or anywhere is even easier with the Flat Belly Diet! Pocket Guide by Liz Vaccariello. This handy and user-friendly book provides at-a-glance information such as- -a complete 28-day meal plan featuring all-new on-the-go recipes -corresponding shopping lists specially designed to maximize your shopping dollar -lists of serving sizes and calorie counts to help you make MUFA meals you love -best meal choices at the vending machine, the airport, popular restaurants, and more -pantry staples and Flat Belly Diet-friendly brands Including 90 all-new quick meal and snack pack recipes, each tested for time and taste, and created by a registered dietitian in response to questions from real dieters, the Flat Belly Diet! Pocket Guide is both an easy introduction to the diet for those who have yet to try it and an essential companion for the thousands who already swear by it.… (lisätietoja)

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A quick and handy guide to smart eating choices from the diet that's transforming America belly by belly. All across America, people are changing their bodies-and their lives-thanks to the Flat Belly Diet! Now, making the best choices for a flat belly in the supermarket, at home, in a restaurant, or anywhere is even easier with the Flat Belly Diet! Pocket Guide by Liz Vaccariello. This handy and user-friendly book provides at-a-glance information such as- -a complete 28-day meal plan featuring all-new on-the-go recipes -corresponding shopping lists specially designed to maximize your shopping dollar -lists of serving sizes and calorie counts to help you make MUFA meals you love -best meal choices at the vending machine, the airport, popular restaurants, and more -pantry staples and Flat Belly Diet-friendly brands Including 90 all-new quick meal and snack pack recipes, each tested for time and taste, and created by a registered dietitian in response to questions from real dieters, the Flat Belly Diet! Pocket Guide is both an easy introduction to the diet for those who have yet to try it and an essential companion for the thousands who already swear by it.

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