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Film Scripts Two/High Noon, Twelve Angry Men, the Defiant Ones

Tekijä: George P. Garrett (Toimittaja), Jane R. Gelfman (Toimittaja), O. B. Hardison (Toimittaja)

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9-2,005,830 (5)-
(Applause Books). The Film Scripts Series is a new printing of some of the greatest screenplays ever written. Each of the four volumes in the series edited by George P. Garrett, O. B. Hardison, Jr., and Jane R. Gelfman contains three classic shooting scripts written by some of the finest writers to ever work in Hollywood. Every volume also features a highly informative introduction, a glossary of technical terms, an extensive bibliography, and the credits for each film. These enduring screenplays will be of great interest to the general film buff, the aspiring screenwriter, and the professional filmmaker. Of particular value to the screenwriter and filmmaker is the fact that all scripts are printed in standard screenplay format. Film Scripts Two features: High Noon (1952, United Artists): Script by Carl Foreman; Directed by Fred Zinnemann; Starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly; Academy Awards for Gary Cooper, best film editing, best song, and best score; Academy Award nominations for best picture, best director, and best writing. Twelve Angry Men (1957, United Artists): Script by Reginald Rose; Directed by Sidney Lumet; Starring Martin Balsam, Lee J. Cobb, E. G. Marshall, Jack Klugman, and Henry Fonda; Academy Award nominations for best picture, best director, and best writing. The Defiant Ones (1958, United Artists): Script by Nathan E. Douglas and Harold Jacob Smith; Directed by Stanley Kramer; Starring Tony Curtis, Sidney Poitier, Theodore Bikel, and Lon Chaney; Academy Awards for best writing and best cinematography; Academy Award nominations for Tony Curtis, Theodore Bikel, best picture, best director, and best film editing.… (lisätietoja)

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Gelfman, Jane R.Toimittajapäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Hardison, O. B.Toimittajapäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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(Applause Books). The Film Scripts Series is a new printing of some of the greatest screenplays ever written. Each of the four volumes in the series edited by George P. Garrett, O. B. Hardison, Jr., and Jane R. Gelfman contains three classic shooting scripts written by some of the finest writers to ever work in Hollywood. Every volume also features a highly informative introduction, a glossary of technical terms, an extensive bibliography, and the credits for each film. These enduring screenplays will be of great interest to the general film buff, the aspiring screenwriter, and the professional filmmaker. Of particular value to the screenwriter and filmmaker is the fact that all scripts are printed in standard screenplay format. Film Scripts Two features: High Noon (1952, United Artists): Script by Carl Foreman; Directed by Fred Zinnemann; Starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly; Academy Awards for Gary Cooper, best film editing, best song, and best score; Academy Award nominations for best picture, best director, and best writing. Twelve Angry Men (1957, United Artists): Script by Reginald Rose; Directed by Sidney Lumet; Starring Martin Balsam, Lee J. Cobb, E. G. Marshall, Jack Klugman, and Henry Fonda; Academy Award nominations for best picture, best director, and best writing. The Defiant Ones (1958, United Artists): Script by Nathan E. Douglas and Harold Jacob Smith; Directed by Stanley Kramer; Starring Tony Curtis, Sidney Poitier, Theodore Bikel, and Lon Chaney; Academy Awards for best writing and best cinematography; Academy Award nominations for Tony Curtis, Theodore Bikel, best picture, best director, and best film editing.

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