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Career Opportunities in the Energy Industry

Tekijä: Allan Taylor

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Today s fast-expanding energy sector has a tremendous impact on almost every facet of our lives. Energy companies are required to address questions of crucial importance to the economy, and their actions affect foreign policy, our environment, our ability to travel and work, the cost of nearly everything we purchase, and the overall health of our families. Energy-related businesses employ nearly 2.5 million people, or 2% of the entire annual U.S. workforce. Employing workers ranging from manual laborers and research scientists to highly trained technicians and expert businesspeople, the field of energy offers a vast range of career opportunities. Career Opportunities in the Energy Industry profiles 70 careers in all branches and facets of the industry and provides extensive appendixes for further research and job planning. A helpful glossary defines key terms. Career profiles include: Coal gasification engineer Chemical engineer Electrical engineer Electrician Engineering technician Geologist Geophysicist Geoscience technician Line installer and repairer Nuclear engineer Oil well driller Petroleum engineer Power plant operator Refinery operator Solar engineer and more.… (lisätietoja)

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Today s fast-expanding energy sector has a tremendous impact on almost every facet of our lives. Energy companies are required to address questions of crucial importance to the economy, and their actions affect foreign policy, our environment, our ability to travel and work, the cost of nearly everything we purchase, and the overall health of our families. Energy-related businesses employ nearly 2.5 million people, or 2% of the entire annual U.S. workforce. Employing workers ranging from manual laborers and research scientists to highly trained technicians and expert businesspeople, the field of energy offers a vast range of career opportunities. Career Opportunities in the Energy Industry profiles 70 careers in all branches and facets of the industry and provides extensive appendixes for further research and job planning. A helpful glossary defines key terms. Career profiles include: Coal gasification engineer Chemical engineer Electrical engineer Electrician Engineering technician Geologist Geophysicist Geoscience technician Line installer and repairer Nuclear engineer Oil well driller Petroleum engineer Power plant operator Refinery operator Solar engineer and more.

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