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A Point of Tangency

Tekijä: L. A. Taylor

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Taxi driver Christy Hall, formerly male, now female, has solved a lot of vexing, but non- life-threatening, problems in recent times but, finally, her life seems to have settled down. She now drives her cab days and plays Tournament Bridge at night with her sometimes brilliant partner, Jeff Maritan. Then, at the end of a long, unprofitable day, an expensively dressed, to-die-for fare gets into her cab and gives her an address USD35 out in the valley. Life is good Before she has a chance to celebrate her good fortune, however, the dream fare points a gun at her and enigmatically suggests that a group of which he is a member is going to kill all the members of her group. Christy has no idea what he was talking about and, unfortunately, he dies before he can elaborate - or pay his fare. But his threat is real. Within hours, a transsexual friend of Christy's is nearly murdered. Surrounded by cops who distrust her, some inept but brutal bad guys and a very cold-blooded spy, Christy finds herself in a crossfire, feeling something like a goat tethered in the middle of a lion preserve. Christy, perhaps unwisely, calls upon some of her cab driving friends and her bridge partner for help. Following her around as she pits cab drivers against cops and killers against spies is great fun, especially for those people who like to watch lions chasing antelopes on nature TV and always cheer for the antelopes.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatmnmystery

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Taxi driver Christy Hall, formerly male, now female, has solved a lot of vexing, but non- life-threatening, problems in recent times but, finally, her life seems to have settled down. She now drives her cab days and plays Tournament Bridge at night with her sometimes brilliant partner, Jeff Maritan. Then, at the end of a long, unprofitable day, an expensively dressed, to-die-for fare gets into her cab and gives her an address USD35 out in the valley. Life is good Before she has a chance to celebrate her good fortune, however, the dream fare points a gun at her and enigmatically suggests that a group of which he is a member is going to kill all the members of her group. Christy has no idea what he was talking about and, unfortunately, he dies before he can elaborate - or pay his fare. But his threat is real. Within hours, a transsexual friend of Christy's is nearly murdered. Surrounded by cops who distrust her, some inept but brutal bad guys and a very cold-blooded spy, Christy finds herself in a crossfire, feeling something like a goat tethered in the middle of a lion preserve. Christy, perhaps unwisely, calls upon some of her cab driving friends and her bridge partner for help. Following her around as she pits cab drivers against cops and killers against spies is great fun, especially for those people who like to watch lions chasing antelopes on nature TV and always cheer for the antelopes.

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