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Only a Duke Will Do (The School for…

Only a Duke Will Do (The School for Heiresses, Book 2) (vuoden 2006 painos)

Tekijä: Sabrina Jeffries

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
540845,372 (3.62)15
From New York Times bestselling author and "grand mistress of storytelling" (Romantic Times) Sabrina Jeffries comes the second seductive story in her School for Heiresses Series. "You can't avoid him forever, Louisa. Just tell him you're not interested, and put an end to it." -- Mrs. Charlotte Harris, headmistress Marry? Never! It would end Louisa North's work with her ladies reform group -- and truth be told, she likes her independence very much, despite her royal father's protests. So when Simon Tremaine, the dashing Duke of Foxmoor whom she once loved -- and had exiled from England -- returns bent on marrying her, she's skeptical. Does he truly care for her, or does he simply want revenge? It's difficult to resist Simon's dangerous charms, because the fire between them still burns as hot as ever. But when his ulterior motive for marriage is exposed, along with the deeply buried secrets of his past, Louisa vows to make him pay . . . and the price will be his heart.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Only a Duke Will Do (The School for Heiresses, Book 2)
Kirjailijat:Sabrina Jeffries
Info:Pocket Books (2006), Mass Market Paperback, 384 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):***


Only a Duke Will Do (tekijä: Sabrina Jeffries)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Simon! I admit that Simon is my personal favorite of the Heiress men. I think he's a great match for Louisa (and Louisa him) in both temperment and in action. Their (renewed) courtship is sort of a bumblebroth--part revenge, part need for a secure future position, part lust and part affection, every step either takes is rather complicated. Simon's past is a shadowy, cruel tale for much of the story. Bits and pieces are thrown out, and dissected by Louisa, about the 'training' his Grandfather put him through, but its not until the last third that we learn just how awful that past was making his future.

Louisa is, for all intents and purposes, exactly who she presents herself as. A dark memory involving her dearly departed beloved half-sister Princess Charlotte rears its head on occasion, but unlike Simon's dark memories hers don't place immediate fears and restrictions on her personality. Thankfully.

Once more there is no real 'villian' to the piece, the obstacles in their path of romance are more subtle and intangible. Simon's past, Louisa's fears, Louisa's father's machinations. I found I preferred that--there was enough for the two of them to settle without worrying about some lurking jerk.

As far as complaints...none really. Other then a few good whacks upside Louisa's father's head, I was happy. I wasn't bothered by the fact that there isn't a lot of backstory for Louisa (as far as her mother and the Prince go), since it honestly had no bearing on the present story. She had no angst with her place in society, nor her birth. I was irritated by her Ladies Society, but not to any great degree.

Little else is revealed about the School that wasn't already told, or inferred from conversations. Since both Louisa and Amelia have graduated from the School it only makes sense. Mrs. Harris makes several appearances (as a member of Louisa's Ladies Society) and of course the letters between Mrs. Harris and 'cousin' Michael continue to begin each new chapter. ( )
  lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
Another story right up my alley from Sabrina Jeffries. The hero and heroine both have secrets that torment them. Betrayal, angst, all the good drama. (4 stars) ( )
  Rhiannon.Mistwalker | Aug 19, 2022 |
Another story right up my alley from Sabrina Jeffries. The hero and heroine both have secrets that torment them. Betrayal, angst, all the good drama. (4 stars) ( )
  PNRList | Aug 15, 2018 |
For me there wasn't enough wit or romantic "chase" - and it had way too much of the hero and leading lady fighting for their own interests. - His in his quest to become prime minister and her with her reform of the prisons. I got just over half of the book and then skimmed the rest. - Though i enjoyed the notes between Cousin Michael and Charlotte at the beginning of each chapter. I may check out their book. If they have one. ( )
  MyaB | Apr 25, 2018 |
A thoroughly enjoyable story!

Louisa North is a beautiful, strong, passionate and kind heroine, and illegitimate daughter to an ornery king.

Simon Tremaine is a carefully raised and ambitious man who thinks he is incapable of love.

After ruling India, Simon returns home to England to take his place in English politics. When the King returns to his old antics, Simon is given one last task before he can be appointed to his desired position - get the stubborn Louisa to back down on her radical reforms and out of the King's way. Simon's obeyed the King before, but the beautiful and challenging Louisa is about to change everything.

Only a Duke Will Do is a delightful book full of romance and adventure. A must read! ( )
  Azacia | Dec 8, 2013 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Nothing had changed in seven years.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

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From New York Times bestselling author and "grand mistress of storytelling" (Romantic Times) Sabrina Jeffries comes the second seductive story in her School for Heiresses Series. "You can't avoid him forever, Louisa. Just tell him you're not interested, and put an end to it." -- Mrs. Charlotte Harris, headmistress Marry? Never! It would end Louisa North's work with her ladies reform group -- and truth be told, she likes her independence very much, despite her royal father's protests. So when Simon Tremaine, the dashing Duke of Foxmoor whom she once loved -- and had exiled from England -- returns bent on marrying her, she's skeptical. Does he truly care for her, or does he simply want revenge? It's difficult to resist Simon's dangerous charms, because the fire between them still burns as hot as ever. But when his ulterior motive for marriage is exposed, along with the deeply buried secrets of his past, Louisa vows to make him pay . . . and the price will be his heart.

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Keskiarvo: (3.62)
2 14
2.5 2
3 31
3.5 11
4 45
4.5 1
5 20


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