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Tales of the Picts (Luath Storyteller)…

Tales of the Picts (Luath Storyteller) (vuoden 2016 painos)

Tekijä: Stuart McHardy (Tekijä)

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15-1,382,062 (3)-
For many centuries the people of Scotland have told stories of their ancestors, a mysterious tribe called the Picts. This ancient Celtic-speaking people, who fought off the might of the Roman Empire, are perhaps best known for their Symbol Stones - images carved into standing stones left scattered across Scotland, many of which have their own stories. Here for the first time these tales are gathered together with folk memories of bloody battles, chronicles of warriors and priestesses, saints and supernatural beings. From Shetland to the border with England, these ancient memories of Scotland's original inhabitants have flourished since the nation's earliest days and now are told afresh, shedding new light on our ancient past.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Tales of the Picts (Luath Storyteller)
Kirjailijat:Stuart McHardy (Tekijä)
Info:Luath Press Ltd (2016), Edition: 2nd edition, 185 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):
Avainsanoja:Scotland, Picts, Myth, Legend


Tales of the Picts (Luath Storyteller) (tekijä: Stuart McHardy)


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For many centuries the people of Scotland have told stories of their ancestors, a mysterious tribe called the Picts. This ancient Celtic-speaking people, who fought off the might of the Roman Empire, are perhaps best known for their Symbol Stones - images carved into standing stones left scattered across Scotland, many of which have their own stories. Here for the first time these tales are gathered together with folk memories of bloody battles, chronicles of warriors and priestesses, saints and supernatural beings. From Shetland to the border with England, these ancient memories of Scotland's original inhabitants have flourished since the nation's earliest days and now are told afresh, shedding new light on our ancient past.

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