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The C.S. Lewis Index: A Comprehensive Guide to Lewis's Writings and Ideas

Tekijä: Janine Goffar

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
70-384,203 (4.5)-
" As far as Lewis's own works are concerned, this is the most important book to be published since he died." --Walter Hooper, Literary Advisor to the Estate of C.S. Lewis " Whether one is trying for the first time to find out what my stepfather wrote about a particular topic, or whether one is having difficulty remembering the exact place of a passage read previously, the "C.S. Lewis Index will prove invaluable." --Douglas Gresham, Author of "Lenten Lands: My Childhood with Joy Davidman and C.S. Lewis " A true boon to all who would mine the motherlode of Lewis's writings. Goffar's index is a reliable and well-researched guide to real treasure." --Dr. J. Stanley Mattson, Founder and President of the C.S. Lewis Foundation " A wonderful book. It is and will be invaluable for every serious student of Lewis." --George Sayer, Author of "Jack: A Life of C.S. Lewis " Janine Goffar's "Index to Lewis's theological works is one of the most useful books that has ever appeared on Lewis." --Dr. Thomas Howard, Professor of English at St. John's College; Author of "C.S. Lewis: Man of Letters " A monumental achievement and major contribution to Lewis studies." --Christopher W. Mitchell, Director of The Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College " Goffar's work is a masterpiece of economy. Part of her gift to us is her talent for selecting just the right phrase, giving us just enough to let us know we've found the right quote or idea, sending us on to the original, and allowing space for more entries. This is a work much needed and long overdue." --Wayne Martindale, Associate Professor of English at Wheaton College" Whether one is hunting for a particular quotation or sampling Lewis's thoughts on a given subject, this resource may quickly become one of the most well-thumbed on the bookshelf." --"Christianity Today " A… (lisätietoja)

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" As far as Lewis's own works are concerned, this is the most important book to be published since he died." --Walter Hooper, Literary Advisor to the Estate of C.S. Lewis " Whether one is trying for the first time to find out what my stepfather wrote about a particular topic, or whether one is having difficulty remembering the exact place of a passage read previously, the "C.S. Lewis Index will prove invaluable." --Douglas Gresham, Author of "Lenten Lands: My Childhood with Joy Davidman and C.S. Lewis " A true boon to all who would mine the motherlode of Lewis's writings. Goffar's index is a reliable and well-researched guide to real treasure." --Dr. J. Stanley Mattson, Founder and President of the C.S. Lewis Foundation " A wonderful book. It is and will be invaluable for every serious student of Lewis." --George Sayer, Author of "Jack: A Life of C.S. Lewis " Janine Goffar's "Index to Lewis's theological works is one of the most useful books that has ever appeared on Lewis." --Dr. Thomas Howard, Professor of English at St. John's College; Author of "C.S. Lewis: Man of Letters " A monumental achievement and major contribution to Lewis studies." --Christopher W. Mitchell, Director of The Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College " Goffar's work is a masterpiece of economy. Part of her gift to us is her talent for selecting just the right phrase, giving us just enough to let us know we've found the right quote or idea, sending us on to the original, and allowing space for more entries. This is a work much needed and long overdue." --Wayne Martindale, Associate Professor of English at Wheaton College" Whether one is hunting for a particular quotation or sampling Lewis's thoughts on a given subject, this resource may quickly become one of the most well-thumbed on the bookshelf." --"Christianity Today " A

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