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The strange women (Monarch books) (1962)

Tekijä: Miriam Gardner

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7-2,415,610 (3)-
Dr. Nora Caine was shaken by the fervor and passion of the other girl's kiss. Precise and scientific on the outside, Nora was still a woman--passionate and longing to love and be loved. She thought of Kit, her husband, helpless in a hospital bed, and felt a pang of remorse and pain. Yet, here was Jill, a tempting young woman whose elfin beauty and sexuality were luring Nora away from her husband. And to complicate things further, there was Mack--big, strong, virile Mack who was Nora's stepbrother and Jill's lover. These four people were caught in their own private purgatory, struggling against overwhelming odds in their frenzied search for emotional happiness. Jill knew her relationship with Mack was a fraud... knew that he could never make her happy... would never enflame the same desires and passions she felt with women--with Nora. Would she have the courage to be true to herself, to leave him? And what of Nora? Would she risk her professional career and marriage to pursue desires she never knew she possessed?Miriam Gardner, one of the pseudonyms of renowned Fantasy and Science Fiction author, Marion Zimmer Bradley, was born near Albany, New York, and was, at various times in her life, a file clerk, music teacher, mimeograph operator and carnival performer. She was the author of almost 50 SF and Fantasy novels and a few lesbian pulp novels.… (lisätietoja)

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Dr. Nora Caine was shaken by the fervor and passion of the other girl's kiss. Precise and scientific on the outside, Nora was still a woman--passionate and longing to love and be loved. She thought of Kit, her husband, helpless in a hospital bed, and felt a pang of remorse and pain. Yet, here was Jill, a tempting young woman whose elfin beauty and sexuality were luring Nora away from her husband. And to complicate things further, there was Mack--big, strong, virile Mack who was Nora's stepbrother and Jill's lover. These four people were caught in their own private purgatory, struggling against overwhelming odds in their frenzied search for emotional happiness. Jill knew her relationship with Mack was a fraud... knew that he could never make her happy... would never enflame the same desires and passions she felt with women--with Nora. Would she have the courage to be true to herself, to leave him? And what of Nora? Would she risk her professional career and marriage to pursue desires she never knew she possessed?Miriam Gardner, one of the pseudonyms of renowned Fantasy and Science Fiction author, Marion Zimmer Bradley, was born near Albany, New York, and was, at various times in her life, a file clerk, music teacher, mimeograph operator and carnival performer. She was the author of almost 50 SF and Fantasy novels and a few lesbian pulp novels.

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