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A Glorious High Throne: Hebrews Simply Explained

Tekijä: Edgar H. Andrews

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
58-454,055 (4)-
The epistle to the Hebrews begins by unveiling the glory of Christ -- the eternal Son of God who shares the everlasting throne of 'the Majesty on high'. It shows in entrancing detail how he descended from that throne to become a man, that he might rescue his people from death, judgement and the power of sin. A combination of careful scholarship and readability, along with apt illustrations.How does Christ rescue his people? By inaugurating a new covenant -- 'the new covenant in my blood' -- replete with better promises, a better priesthood, a better sacrifice and a better hope than had hitherto prevailed under the law of Moses. By one offering for sin for ever, Christ our great High Priest has perfected for ever those he has set apart for his glory and who come to God through him. He is their advocate, their rest, their righteousness, their example, and their 'exceeding great reward'.… (lisätietoja)

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

The epistle to the Hebrews begins by unveiling the glory of Christ -- the eternal Son of God who shares the everlasting throne of 'the Majesty on high'. It shows in entrancing detail how he descended from that throne to become a man, that he might rescue his people from death, judgement and the power of sin. A combination of careful scholarship and readability, along with apt illustrations.How does Christ rescue his people? By inaugurating a new covenant -- 'the new covenant in my blood' -- replete with better promises, a better priesthood, a better sacrifice and a better hope than had hitherto prevailed under the law of Moses. By one offering for sin for ever, Christ our great High Priest has perfected for ever those he has set apart for his glory and who come to God through him. He is their advocate, their rest, their righteousness, their example, and their 'exceeding great reward'.

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