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Kinshu: Autumn Brocade Tekijä: Teru…

Kinshu: Autumn Brocade (vuoden 2007 painos)

Tekijä: Teru Miyamoto, Roger K. Thomas (Kääntäjä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1064259,922 (3.84)4
Life, death, karma--these interwoven themes form the heart of this lyrical novel in letters,Kinshu: Autumn Brocade, the first work to be published in the U.S. by Teru Miyamoto, one of Japan's most popular literary writers. The wordkinshu has many connotations in Japanese--brocade, poetic writing, the brilliance of autumn leaves--and resonates here as a vibrant metaphor for the complex, intimate relationship between Aki and Yasuaki. Ten years after a dramatic divorce, they meet by chance at a mountain resort. Aki initiates a new correspondence, and letter by letter through the seasons, the secrets of the past unfold as they reflect on their present struggles. From a lover's suicide to a father's controlling demands, to Mozart'sThirty-Ninth Symphony ("a veritable marvel of sixteenth notes"), to the karmic consequences of their actions, the story glides through their deeply introspective and stirring exchanges. What begins as a series of accusations and apologies, questions and excuses, turns into a source of mutual support and healing. Chosen as an Outstanding Work of Japanese Literature by the Japanese Literature Publishing Project.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Kinshu: Autumn Brocade
Kirjailijat:Teru Miyamoto
Muut tekijät:Roger K. Thomas (Kääntäjä)
Info:New Directions (2007), Paperback, 208 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Kinshu: Autumn Brocade (tekijä: Teru Miyamoto)


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näyttää 4/4
Was pleasantly surprised by the slow discovery of the characters and their complicated misunderstandings. I loved the way they slowly came to realizations of cause-effect and to mutual self-discovery. Nice writing. ( )
  KymmAC | Sep 13, 2015 |
Miyamoto is the second Japanese author I read a book from. It was a present from my friend.
At first I left it unread, although I usually cannot wait to start a new book, discover a new world. Because that's what this was for me. I do not know very much about Japanese habits, traditions other than the usual things about geisha's and that there is a punctual railroad system.
I was afraid that I might not like the book, because it was a novel in letters. I find it difficult to read letters in a book and see them in a whole as a book instead of seperate items.
This book however was marvellous. It took me from the first line away in the world of Aki and Yasuaki, in their past, their present and stops when they enter their future. It is a fine description of what is going on between a man and a woman that once loved each other very much. How they parted, what they thought, how their lives went on after their divorce. A bit of anger, but most of all I tasted apologies, trying to find ways to explain, to make what happened hurt a little less.
Nothing much happens, in that view it is a dull book. But nevertheless I could not put it down untill I read it all, anxious to find out what would come next.
Despite I was born and raised a world apart from his, Miyamoto succeeded to let me understand the book, not looking strangely when a thing like an arranged marriage comes around, or the way both Aki and Yasuaki look at life's happenings. Through this delicately written novel he gave me a little insight in the Japanese way of doing things, of thinking.
I simply loved it. My words fail to describe the feelings I had when reading this book any better, therefore I say no more. ( )
  BoekenTrol71 | Mar 31, 2013 |
Aki and Yasuari were once a married couple, but after an incident where Yasuaki faces near-death, and Aki finds out about her husband’s infidelity, life changes drastically for the both of them.

A chance encounter stimulates a correspondance between Aki and Yasuaki, exchanging long letters, allowing a free-flow of emotions and feelings that have long since been kept secret. Through this exchange of thoughts, the past is explained, the present becomes clear, and the future seems to hold more hope than ever before.

Through these letters, both Aki and Yasuaki learn to let go of the past, and as they slowly heal from those deep wounds, they start to appreciate the present for what it is. ( )
  mich_yms | Dec 8, 2009 |
Ten years after their divorce, a Japanese couple's chance meeting leads to an exchange of letters. This correspondence reveals the tragedy surrounding their divorce, its impact on their present circumstances and their hopes and dreams. ( )
  lmb95112 | Oct 2, 2006 |
näyttää 4/4
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Life, death, karma--these interwoven themes form the heart of this lyrical novel in letters,Kinshu: Autumn Brocade, the first work to be published in the U.S. by Teru Miyamoto, one of Japan's most popular literary writers. The wordkinshu has many connotations in Japanese--brocade, poetic writing, the brilliance of autumn leaves--and resonates here as a vibrant metaphor for the complex, intimate relationship between Aki and Yasuaki. Ten years after a dramatic divorce, they meet by chance at a mountain resort. Aki initiates a new correspondence, and letter by letter through the seasons, the secrets of the past unfold as they reflect on their present struggles. From a lover's suicide to a father's controlling demands, to Mozart'sThirty-Ninth Symphony ("a veritable marvel of sixteenth notes"), to the karmic consequences of their actions, the story glides through their deeply introspective and stirring exchanges. What begins as a series of accusations and apologies, questions and excuses, turns into a source of mutual support and healing. Chosen as an Outstanding Work of Japanese Literature by the Japanese Literature Publishing Project.

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Keskiarvo: (3.84)
2 1
3 9
3.5 3
4 11
4.5 1
5 7

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